
Brown County bands were treated to a unique concert experience Thursday morning as the Marine Corps All–Star Jazz Band came to Brownwood High School to perform and share some knowledge about jazz music.

Students from Brownwood, Early and Bangs high school bands along with Howard Payne University band members enjoyed the Marines as they played approximately a dozen songs.  HPU Band Directors Cory Ash and Stephen Goacher were also in attendance.

The concert, performed by the 19 member jazz band, featured several instrumental solos along with the vocal solos of Staff Sergeant Ken Ebo who sang ‘Summer Wind’ and ‘A Foggy Day.’  The students enjoyed a variety of musical pieces including a Latin song, several jazz numbers and even a multi-meter song which had a very different jazz rhythm and timing.

The Marine Corps All–Star Jazz Band is a unit comprised of the best musicians in the Corps. These elite musicians are selected based off their musical skills and once selected, come together from across the Corps to give performances to the public. They tour two weeks out of each year and were scheduled to perform at Brownwood High School around Thanksgiving; however, due to sequestration, the tour was rescheduled to visit Brownwood this week.  The Marines had been in Kilgore prior to Brownwood and will continue their tour in San Angelo this evening.  One member of the band (lead trumpet, in red, top center) is a member of the President’s personal band, which often plays for the President as well as other dignitaries in Washington, D.C. according to SSgt. Ebo.

Brownwood High School Band Directors David and Leslie Lambert helped coordinate the visit which was scheduled through Staff Sergeant Matthew Foust, the local Brown County Marine recruiter.

Lambert stated that there was a good representation of the area schools in attendance and that the students really took in the performance well.

“We had a good representation of students and directors from the area in attendance,” said Lambert.  “They were very attentive and very respectful during the concert.  We just have some great kids (in these bands).  It’s not like this everywhere.”

Mr. Lambert stated that the students were ecstatic to have the Marine Corps All–Star Jazz Band perform for them.  He stated that the Marines’ visit was a chance for the students to see professional musicians and hopefully be inspired to one day to play their own instruments that well.

“It’s not every day we get to see that caliber of jazz band,” said Lambert.  “To see that kind of talent gives the students something to shoot for in their own performance skills, and possibly inspires some to become a professional musician themselves.”

Pictured above SSgt. Ebo sings while accompanied by the Marine Corps All-Star Jazz Band.  Below are photos of their performance on Thursday.




