
Brownwood High School crowned Marina Marie Williams as their 2011 Homecoming Queen at Friday’s football game against All Saint Episcopal.


Miss Williams is the daughter of Phil Williams of Brownwood, Texas and Nancy Perry Williams of Del Rio, Texas.  She has a brother that is a freshman, and a sister that is in seventh grade.

Williams is involved in activities such as Choices, FCCLA, junior drill team manager, freshman and sophomore volleyball, freshman and junior varsity soccer.   She was elected to the Lion Crew and serves as the President of Student Council.

Williams works at the Bert V. Massey Sports Complex during the summer.

Miss Williams plans to attend Angelo State University and then transfer to Texas Tech to pursue a degree in Marriage and Family Therapy.

Other Homecoming nominees were:  Colbie Crow, Grace Randolph, Melissa Rmeili, and Addie Shipley.  Click here to see biographies of these nominees.

Pictured above is Marina with her parents Nancy and Phil Williams.  Please view the video of Miss Williams being crowned Homecoming Queen and pictures of the homecoming ceremonies below.

{denvideo https://mitdil1.dream.press/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/crow.jpg” height=”369″ width=”550″ />

Pictured above are Miss Colbie Crow escorted by her father, Dr. James Crow.


Pictured above is Miss Grace Randolph escorted by her friend Neal Larremore, mother Jean Randolph Giles, and stepfather Matt Giles.


Pictured above is Miss Melissa Rmeili escorted by her parents Elias & Jana Rmeili.


Pictured above is Miss Addie Shipley escorted by her parents Bob and Sharon Shipley.