BRMC Volunteer Marilynn Jackson was honored as the February 2015 Volunteer of the Month during the March 2015 Executive Board Meeting of the Brownwood Regional Medical Center Volunteers. She has been a volunteer since November 2006. Marilynn is a past president of the BRMC Volunteers having served in that position in 2012-2013. She currently serves as the parliamentarian for the volunteers. Marilynn is the chairperson for the intensive care waiting area volunteer service area. She also volunteers in the day surgery and emergency room waiting areas. Marilynn has over 5460 hours of volunteer service at BRMC.
BRMC volunteering allows caring individuals to be helpful to others, to develop and grow personally, to gain a sense of achievement, to be creative, and to be part of a team.
The BRMC Volunteers are always excited to meet area individuals who are interested in becoming a volunteer. Opportunities for volunteering are available in 8 service areas; the information desk, intensive care unit waiting, emergency room waiting, day surgery waiting, surgery waiting, the gift shop, the book cart, and the tray favors committee, for those who like to do crafts.
BRMC Volunteer application forms may be obtained in the BRMC gift shop, at the front entrance information desk, online at or by calling the BRMC volunteer office at 325-649-3399 and leaving a message.