
A two-vehicle accident on Hwy 377 South near the Brown County Youth Fair Barns resulted in one man being airlifted to a hospital for treatment.

The accident occurred at approximately 7:55 a.m. Thursday morning when a Toyota Camry entered traffic on Hwy 377 from Birch Street and was struck by a Chevy 2500 pickup which was traveling south on Hwy 377.  The Camry’s driver and sole occupant required extrication from the vehicle and was taken by ambulance to Brownwood Regional Medical Center’s helipad from which he was transported to Hendrick Medical Center in Abilene by Air Evac Lifeteam.  The extent of the man’s injuries was not released at the scene.

The Camry (pictured above) sustained heavy damage to the driver’s side of the vehicle, the back windshield was blown out and the front window was cracked as a result of the impact.

The four occupants of the Chevy pickup were Army National Guardsmen who were returning to Camp Bowie after having breakfast at the Branding Iron Café in Brownwood.  None of the guardsmen reported any injuries. The pickup sustained front end damage.

Below are more photos of the accident scene.


Firefighters extricating the driver of the Camry.


The damaged Chevy 2500 involved in the accident.