
The Lyric Performing Arts Company enters their second week of performances of “Annie Get Your Gun” and the public is invited to come and enjoy the show.

Managing Director Eric Evans stated that this production is a well rounded show that is sure to please audience members.

“This is a show with well known music with great harmonies.  It is full of Irving Berlin music that most people  have heard the numbers before, such as ‘There’s No Business Like Show Business,’ and we have a great group of vocalists in the show making it really sound cool on stage.”

According to Evans and director of the show Dr. Nancy Jo Humfeld, “Annie Get Your Gun” is based on the historical characters of Annie Oakley and her husband Frank Butler, both were sharpshooters and toured with the Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show.  This gives the show a love story with a twist of guns and a little bit of comedy, some even slapstick.

“This is a comedy with some slapstick which is something we don’t always do,” said Evans.  “It has a real country twang to it and is something most people will enjoy.”

Another aspect of the show that is unique this go round is the costuming.  According to Evans, for previous shows the Lyric has usually rented from an out of town costuming company, but this year a local company owned by Donna Miller and Nita Diehl supplied the costumes.

“Donna Miller and Nita Diehl worked together alongside the Lyric’s costumer of 8 years Lori Arp, and this was the first time ever that we have ever gone with a local company,” said Evans.  “We brought the show a month earlier for this summer production and had a few challenges getting the show to the stage this year.”

Timing wasn’t the only issue the show faced last weekend, as there were other activities and groups at Brownwood High School including the Texas State Guard with their annual training disaster drills, the 7-on-7 football tournament, and a class reunion giving tours of the facility making accessibility a little troublesome for attendees.  Parking was limited and caused some patrons to have to park farther out than typical.

LPAC is hopeful that soon the Lyric productions will be held in their own theater in downtown Brownwood which is waiting for additional funds to complete the theatre’s renovations, Evans said.

“We hope this is the last show we have to do offsite.  We are hoping to have coming shows at the Lyric,” said Evans.  “There is only $450,000 left to raise of the $1.5 million goal that we set and some of that is already pledged.”

Evans stated that LPAC will be going out for bids on the final phases of the renovation project soon.  He said the organization is getting close to the goal.

“This has been a 10 year project, but we still need the community’s support to finish the project,” said Evans.  “We are hoping to increase the shows attendance about 30% (for the final performances), which will help us get even closer to our goal.”

Evans said that according to contractors and information LPAC has gathered, the final portion of the renovations should take approximately 8 months, once started, to finish the interior of the Lyric Theatre.

Remaining performances of “Annie Get Your Gun” will be held at the Dorothy McIntosh Fine Arts Center Auditorium at Brownwood High School and are being offered at the following days and times:

June 28 at 7:30
June 29 at 2:30 and 7:30
June 30 at 7:30
July 1 at 2:30

Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased online and at the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce.

See full cast list below as well as a photo gallery preview.

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Cast List

Frank Butler ………………………………………………………… Matthew McNiece

Buffalo Bill Cody …………………………………………………………. Greg Church

Dolly Tate ……………………………………………………………… Celeste Church

Tommy Keeler ………………………………………………………….. David Woods

Winnie Tate …………………………………………………….. Meredith Underwood

Charlie Davenport …….…………………………………………………… Jeff Woods

Foster Wilson ……………………………………………………………… Paul Dunne

Mac, the Prop Man ………………………………………..…………… Jared Russell

Chief Sitting Bull ……………………………………………………………… Zac Allen

Annie Oakley …………………………………………………..…… Deanna Erxleben

Jessie ………………………………………………………………….  Brooklyn Britton

Nellie …………………………………….…………………………………… Abbi Allen

Little Jake ……….……………………………………………………….. John Monson

Running Deer ………………………………………………………..……… Sam Gray

Eagle Feather ……………………………………………………….… Nicholas Ewen

Dining Car Waiter ………………………………………………………… Taylor Crow

Sleeping Car Porter …………………………………………………… Shane Britton

Pawnee Bill ……………………………………………………………… David Quillin

Messenger ……………………………………………………………… Jared Russell

Band Leader …………………………………………………………….… Rob Tucker

Mrs. Sylvia Potter-Porter ……………………………………..……… Miranda Marsh

Mrs. Schuyler Adams ………………………………………………… Jill Underwood



Carene Baslee                   Jay Monson                                                     Taylor Rountree

Shane Britton                    Priscilla Monson                                               Jared Russell

Torri Choate                       Heather Nix                                                    Phoenix Solis

Becca Church                     Shannon Pittman                                             Asa Welker

Sarah Church                     Paul David Quillin                                            Caroline Welker

Nicholas Ewen                   Rebel Quillin