wizardofozThe Lyric Performing Arts Company announced the lineup and dates of their summer performances and activities.

The Lyric’s summer musical this year will be the “Wizard of Oz” in July.   Auditions for the show will take place Saturday, April 6th at 1:00 PM in Mims Auditorium on the HPU campus.  Those interested in auditioning need to bring sheet music for the pianist and sing something preferably from a musical. Prospects will be taught a short dance combination and then will read from the script. All ages welcome to these auditions.

Performance dates for the “Wizard of Oz” will be July 18, 19, 20, 25, 27 at 7:30 PM and July 20,21,26,28 at 2:30 PM.

In May, the Lyric Performing Arts Company will feature their children’s show called “The Fiddle Jig of Finn O’Flynn.”

Auditions for the annual children’s show will be held Monday, April 29th at 7:00 PM at the Howard Payne University Theatre.  Cast size is 3-5 women, 3-5 men, with ages 10 and up encouraged to attend. The audition process will consist of acting exercises and cold readings from the script.

Performances for “The Fiddle Jig of Finn O’Flynn” will be May 27-31.

The Lyric Performing Arts Company will once again host their annual Children’s Theatre Camp June 3-15.  Cost of the camp is $165 per child and includes a snack and tshirt.

For more information, visit brownwoodlyrictheatre.com or call 325-998-2801.