SnowWhitePosterSmBrownwood’s Lyric Theatre opens up their summer programming with a 50-minute show geared to entertain children of all ages. “Snow White and the Sebbendorfs” is a comical rendition of the classic fairytale, adapted, rewritten, and directed by Howard Payne University theatre professor Nicholas Ewen, currently in his fifth year of directing the children’s show.  The story has been popularized lately in Hollywood, with two feature films bringing a new life to the legend.

After assessing the talent available and looking for an exciting genre to bring to the stage, “I thought it would be fun and new to present a show with a strong female lead character this year,” Ewen said, “and the story of Snow White just kind of stuck.”

Audiences of all ages will be delighted with the story of the princess who flees for her life into a mysterious forest, only to meet a unique family, the Sebbendorfs.

“I knew that it would be hard to get together seven ‘dwarves’ to act in the play, so I tried to think of a way around that,” Ewen said. “I wanted a one-act play that was fun and funny but still had a good heart that didn’t belittle the story or the intelligence of the children watching the play.  So, finally I decided that I could write a version of this play to suit exactly what I was looking for.”

The talented and quirky cast will offer numerous laughs, touching moments, and a unique experience for the Brownwood area. Ewen, who has written numerous other plays such as “An Extremely Normal Man,” “Walking With Wenceslas,” and “The Chili of Youth,” worked toward generating a script and cast that would keep audiences guessing, thinking, and laughing.

“The actor playing the role of Prince Anthony (Rivers Shotwell) has a very funny moment where he and the Queen (played by Audrey Harris) are sharing a hearty evil laugh, and he gets carried away with it – which seriously annoys the Queen,” Ewen said. “His delivery and expression just crack me up every time I see it.  Also, in the climactic scene where the Sebbendorfs discover that Snow White has been poisoned and must save her, there are some very touching moments, especially when the eldest sibling, Tuffy Sebbendorf (played by Josh Helms), finally has to drop his gruff, aggressive attitude and reveal a genuine vulnerability and a caring heart. All of the actors have really done a fine job of finding the humor and heart of their characters and I am just so excited to see how audiences respond to it.”

Tickets are $3.00 for students and $5.00 for adults. Performances are held at the Howard Payne University Theatre on Monday, May 21st at 9:00, 10:30 AM and 1:00 PM; Tuesday the 22nd at 9:00, 10:30 AM, 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM; Wednesday the 23rd at 9:00, 10:30 AM and 1:00 PM. Reservations can be made by visiting: or can contact Nicholas Ewen at 325-203-7509 for groups of ten or more.