AgriLifeExtensionThe next date of the Brown County Extension Service Lunch-N-Learn Series noon-time program is April 8th. The program will focus on installing and using drip irrigation in home vegetable gardens. Dr. Joseph Masabni, Extension Vegetable Specialist from Texas A&M will be the guest speaker.

The program will be held at the Brown County Extension Office located at 605 Fisk Avenue in Brownwood. It will begin at 12 noon.

This Drip Irrigation program is part of a Lunch-N-Learn series of horticultural programs which will be held this year.  The series is being conducted by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Brown County Office.   It is sponsored by the Brown County Master Gardeners Association.

There is a onetime registration fee of $25 for anyone interested in attending horticultural programs in the series. The series of programs are open to anyone interested. For more information contact the Brown County Extension Office at 325-646-0386.