Written by Ben Cox – An emphasis on entertaining the children of Brownwood and the surrounding area is what keeps the owners and operators of Gators Fun Factory going, as well as expanding.


When Tanya Collazo first heard that the space that Gator’s now occupies was for sale and could possible become a bar, she wasn’t having it. “I said no way, there has to be something for the kids to go and do! We had to buy the place and let the kids continue to have something fun to do.”

Along with her husband Lou, the couple purchased the property, changed the name, and began a series of updates that continue to this day. “We partnered with Prime Time in Abilene for a lot of games, and also Brough in a bunch on our own” he says.

“It’s so much fun to see the kids playing the games and having a blast. When they turn in their tickets to claim their prizes it’s like they just won big in Vegas! I love it!”

The couple, who have four kids themselves, enjoy the task of keeping kids entertained and safe at the same time. Often times, they feel like they are simply babysitting, but that doesn’t stop the Callozo’s. “We’re the cheapest babysitters in town!” jokes Lou. “We have kids get dropped off at 1 in the afternoon on Saturday, and then get picked up at 9 or 10 that night after mom and dad have had some time on their own.”

The pair plan to eventually move their business from the Heartland Mall to a property they own close to Gordon Wood Stadium. Tanya says “We bought the old Diamond P building and it is huge!”

According to Lou “We can set up our portable climbing wall inside with no problem, it’s that big! We have lots of plans for the building.”

Possible improvements to the skating, video games, refreshments and parties that are currently offered by Gator’s Fun Factory could include Laser Tag, Go-Karts, and a Batting Cage.

The plan is to have the new location ready for kids by mid-summer of this year, with even more to do in the future.

Gator’s Fun Factory can be contacted through their Facebook page, or via their website for birthday parties and lock-ins, which have become a very popular staple of the business.