Written by Amanda Coers – Bringing Hope Thrift Store cleared out its shelves and wracks this morning, donating merchandise to Hurricane Harvey relief efforts.

Earlier today an anonymous couple visited the thrift store with $100, hoping to purchase clothing, socks, and shoes, to take to the Houston area after devastating flooding has left many without homes and belongings. The money would have purchased about 200 items from the thrift store. Instead, the owner Amanda Sharp told the couple to “take it all.”

The couple was able to load up approximately $1,500 worth of merchandise from the thrift store. The items were taken to the Car Corral car lot on Coggin Avenue in Brownwood where a supply drive had been established.

“We had to call the car lot to tell them to bring a truck down,” Sharp laughed. “It was amazing to be a part of that.”

Sharp said she had been praying for a way to help after the hurricane. Initially she thought of traveling to the area to volunteer in the relief efforts, but decided to wait, hoping for a clear way to be of service.

“My first instinct was to get in the car and go, but what could I do down there,” she said. “So I feel like this was God’s answer this morning. That was one way, and I feel like there will be other ways to help.”

Bringing Hope Thrift Store has been open for three years.

“I tell everyone it’s God’s store,” Sharp explained. “It talks so much in the Bible about loving one another, and that’s what we want to do. I know there are a lot of other ministries here in town that do that type of work, but I don’t feel like there can be too many.”

The thrift store ministry, located at 720 W. Commerce, operates through donations from the community, selling clothing and household items for very low prices, often only a dollar or less.

The thrift store is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.