2015CongressionalArtCompetitionHoward Payne University hosted the 2015 Congressional Art Competition of the 11th District of Texas on Saturday, April 11th with Judith Horton of Goldthwaite taking top honors.

Horton, a junior, is pictured above with Congressman Conaway who was in attendance to present awards to the winners.  Horton will have the honor of having her winning piece hung in the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. for a year.

Second place was won by Early High School senior Chloe Rutherford.

Each school in the district was invited to submit three entries into the competition.  According to Conaway representatives, there are excellent pieces submitted every year, even from the tiniest of high schools.

The contest was juried by Howard Payne University Art Professor and Brownwood Middle School art instructor Julie Mize.

The event was special this year for the Brownwood area, having the contest at HPU, as it has typically been at Tarleton State University, Angelo State University or UT Permian Basin according to Congressman Conaway’s regional director Hilary Stegemoller.

Pictured below is Rutherford with Congressman Conaway in front of her winning photograph.
