
Students and staff of Victory Life Academy honored Veterans Wednesday morning in a special Veterans Day service.

U.S. flag pins and Buddy Poppies were distributed as students welcomed guests to the service.

Students read poetry and sang special tributes to honor Veterans present and those who have given their lives in military service.  In honor of the day, VLA elementary students had participated in a poster contest and the top three in each class were recognized.  Special guests Floyd Dockum and local author Sara Musgrove also spoke.

Veterans were recognized and every branch of the U.S. military were represented, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard.

VLA teacher, coach and Veteran Rick Phelps spoke about recognizing Veterans.

“Unless someone is in uniform or you know someone, it is impossible to know if they are a Veteran,” said Phelps who explained that Veterans may have many appearances, from being clean cut business men and women to t-shirt wearing, bearded and long haired people.  “You have probably walked past a Veteran and not even known it.  We all look different but we all have one thing in common.  We love our country, we love our family, we love our community and we made the decision to serve our country out of love.”

Staff member Caitlyn Tidwell stated that the school had invited President George W. Bush to attend the service; however, he had other commitments and could not attend, but did send a letter to the school in recognition of the service and in honor of Veterans which read:

“Through the generations, the men and women who have worn the uniform of the United States have put their lives on the line to preserve the freedoms America holds dear.  Veterans Day is dedicated to paying tribute to those extraordinary men and women who protected our liberties in years past and to those who protect it today.

Our veterans have helped shape an American character.  They have given us a remarkable legacy of patriotism and honor.  Their service represents the highest form of citizenship.  They are the 1% of America who kept the 99% safe and we owe them and their families a deep debt of gratitude.  As our warriors are returning home and preparing a new mission of civilization, it is our responsibility to try to help them become productive, private citizens.

I am deeply grateful to all of those in the public and private sector who are serving our transitioning warriors and their families.  Thank you for your dedication and compassion.  Every soldier, sailor, airman and Marine and National Guardsman have earned the lasting respect of the American people.  Their service and sacrifice will be remembered forever.

On Veterans Day, Laura and I offer our heartfelt thanks to our country’s troops, Veterans and their families.  May God bless you and may God continue to bless America.

-President George W. Bush”

The service was closed in a word of prayer for Veterans.

Pictured above and below are photos from the service at Victory Life Academy.


Veterans and others gathered for the service.


Veterans Day poster contest winners.


Reading the letter from President George W. Bush.