
Skating enthusiasts in Brownwood will have a chance to show their skills and compete for prizes on Saturday, November 12th during the First Annual Brownwood Skatepark Contest to be held from noon to 4 p.m. at the city’s newest park, located at 2700 Austin Avenue, near East Elementary and Mayes Park.

The contest is open to all ages and ability levels, according to the Facebook Event Page created by Adam Reimnitz. There is no cost to enter the contest. The contest will include four competition brackets for skill levels ranging from beginner to advanced. Categories also include Best Trick, Regular Competition with Divisions, and a Game of S.K.A.T.E. Prizes include cash awards and giveaways will take place during the competition.

“The skateboarding scene in the community is fledgling in nature, but it is growing.” explained event creator Reimnitz. “Since the skatepark opened this summer, I have seen young kids and adults alike picking up a skateboard and trying it out for the first time.  At the same time, access to a local skatepark has revitalized the hobby for a number of folks in town that are now getting back into skateboarding.”

Reimnitz, who has been skateboarding for the past 17 years, hopes the event will bring the community together to enjoy a day at the new park.

“Having the event will serve to both showcase the facility and the talents of the local youth, as well as provide an opportunity for some seriously good skateboards to show the kids a high level of skateboarding that they may only have seen on tv or online.”

The presenting sponsor for the event is the Heartland Mall Chick-Fil-A, with additional sponsors including X Games Austin, Cotton Patch Cafe, Heff’s Burgers, and Roberson Rent-All.

For more information, visit the official Event Page.