ColRussellFudgeIn honor of VJ Day, Colonel Russell O. Fudge (a Pacific War Veteran) is being awarded the Commemorative VJ Day Medal by VFW Post 3278.  The ceremony will take place September 2nd at 11:00 am at the Songbird Lodge in Brownwood.  VJ Day marks the 65th anniversary of the victory over Japan and the end of WWII.

Colonel Fudge was in the Division Staff at the creation of the 20th Armored Division. He was Chief of Staff of Anguar Garrison Forces, Pacific Theater, WWII. He was the Army Deputy at the surrender of the Bonin Islands. He served five years with the Pentagon Staff, Chief First Army Field Training Team to Turkey, Commander, Combat Command 40th Armored Division at Fort Hood and retired as a full Colonel, Regular Army, from the faculty of the U.S. Army War College. After retirement he became the first Director of the Douglas MacArthur Academy of Freedom.

Pictured above:  Colonel Fudge in uniform approximately 1946.  Photo contributed.