Written by Amanda Coers – Sharon Sierson experienced a common frustration after the birth of her second child. Digging through the bottomless pit of a diaper bag in search of her son’s pacifier was no picnic.

“I could never find his pacifier, no matter how carefully I packed the diaper bag,” Sierson said. “Invariably, when I found it the pacifier was either dirty with pieces of lint and little hairs. Or I would drop it and had no way to clean it.”


Sierson would often resort to the time-old trick of resorting to using her own mouth to clean the pacifier. After talking with other parents, she realized they too were having the same struggles. She searched for a practical and affordable container for her son’s pacifiers and later his spoons and other feeding items, but noting seemed to be the right fit. So she did what many moms do when faced with a problem, Sierson invented a creative solution.

She calls it the ‘Klean Karryall’ with K’s as a nod to her two children’s names beginning with the same letter. Sierson describes her invention as a “versatile, customizable, ‘grow-as-you-go,’ case.”

“It’s the perfect solution for the pacifier struggle,” she said. “The case provides a closed storage compartment to keep your babes essential items clean. And you can find it easily in a diaper bag.”

Sharon Sierson worked for almost three years to develop her invention into a marketable product. She currently has a patent pending on her unique case design, as well as a trademark created, and a fully developed prototype. She even has a sales team which caters to large retail chain stores prepared to sell her product. Last year she participated in the ninth annual Springboard Ideas Challenge, winning 3rd place, which allowed her to create her prototype.

She was even featured on a segment of the Steve Harvey Show about how to ‘Jump’ into their dreams. You can view the video here: www.facebook.com/SteveHarveytv/videos/

But she’s hit another snag in the road. Sierson needs to obtain a plastic injection mold of her product design for manufacturing. The quote for the mold is a whopping $60,000. It’s another frustrating problem, and true to her nature, Sierson has crafted a unique solution. Instead of the standard Kickstarter Campaign or traditional fundraiser, she’s hosting a special event called “Bucky Bingo.”

On Saturday, November 4th, Sharon Sierson will go live on her Facebook Page: Faithful Provision. She’ll be broadcasting her family’s horse, Duke, inside a pen with a marked grid on the ground. Each square in the grid will be noted by number. Participants in the Bucky Bingo have an opportunity to purchase a square ahead of time.

Now here’s where this fun fundraiser for the Klean Karryall gets a little dirty. When Duke makes a pile, the square it hits will win. It’s a certainly Texan way to raise a little money and definitely unique. In fact, Sierson calls it “heaps of fun,” on a flyer she’s created for the event.

“We’re ‘piling it on’ to achieve our dream,” she laughed.

Anyone wishing to participate in Bucky Bingo can purchase a square for $10. All entries must be received by October 28th, and numbers will be assigned chronologically in the order received. Participants can mail their entry money to:

Faithful Provision

PO Box 3233

Early, Texas 76802

Memo: Bucky Bingo

It’s important for participants to include email address and phone number so they can be notified of their Bucky Bingo square number. The live broadcast on November 4th will reveal the winner.