
Brown County law enforcement received support from a local business and citizens of the area, including Brownwood, Brown County and Abilene, through sales of a special t-shirt supporting law enforcement.  Will Carrier of Willie’s T’s presented a check for $2500 to Brown County police chiefs Terry Nichols of Brownwood, David Mercer of Early, and Jorge Camarillo of Bangs and Brown County Sheriff George Caldwell.

“In light of what has happened in Texas and in the United States, and how police officers have really been disrespected in my opinion.  We wanted you guys to know, and to do something tangible to let you know, that we do respect you,” said Carrier.  “I know most of the citizens in the Central Texas do.  I’m sure you see that on a daily basis, but we wanted to do something tangible.”

Carrier explained how one of his employees, Rowonna McNeely, came up with the idea to make a fundraiser t-shirt and have an online store which was open for two weeks.  This resulted in the sale of 274 shirts, raising the $2500 which was presented on Monday afternoon for the agencies to purchase whatever items they need.

“When Rowonna first approached us about this, just days and maybe even a day after what happened in Dallas, she said we want to get together and team up and do something, and I told her we would love to team up and partner with all of our law enforcement agencies and come up with some lifesaving equipment for our agencies.  That’s where this money will go toward,” said Chief Nichols.  “We’re going to get with the Sheriff, Chief Mercer and the Chief in Bangs and we’re going to figure out what we are going to do.”

Carrier stated that due to the great response, Willie’s T’s will have the online store open again for another two weeks, through midnight on August 21st, in hopes of raising even more funds to help local law enforcement.