AgriLifeExtensionPeople choose to “go green” for a number of different reasons. There are also a number of different actions people take to help preserve the environment. Being green is not an “all or nothing” type of action. With this in mind, here are a few suggestions that you can follow to start living green.

• Cook more meals at home.

By planning meals and snacks in advance, you can save money and eat healthier. When eating at home, there is less food waste and more family engagement. Today’s dinner could be tomorrow’s lunch. Don’t know what to cook? Check out:

• Support local farmers.

By shopping for food locally, your produce may be fresher and more nutritious. Also, your money goes directly to the grower! Brown County Farmers Market is open for the season.  They are open Saturdays 9am to 12pm and are set up adjacent to the courthouse on the corner of Fisk and Pecan.  For a list of certified farmers markets throughout Texas check out

• Plate up healthier meals.

Eating a variety of foods and watching portion sizes can greatly benefit your health. Meat is often an expensive part of the food budget so filling your plate up with 1/4 of meat and 3/4 of fruits, veggies, and, whole grains will greatly benefit your wallet as well!

• Eat less processed foods.

Eating less snack foods such as chips, sodas, and sweets will reduce your sodium, fat, and sugar intake.  A rule of thumb to remember about processed foods:   the more someone else prepares or processes the foods you eat, the more expensive they will be.  You are paying for the food and the prep.

About the author:  Lisa Mapel is an Extension Program Assistant and Better Living for Texans educator with the Brown County AgriLife Extension office.  Lisa may be reached at 325.646.0386.