Brownwood News – Linda Heitman, director of Brown County Home Solutions, has released a list of changes being made during this time of the COVID-19 threat.
Effective immediately, Heitman is transitioning to working from home. Heitman’s office hours will be Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8-12 to work on things she can’t do from home.
BCHS will still be operating the Community Assistance program, but it will be via telephone.
The Shelter will be open during severe weather and they will be enacting health screenings prior to entry, as other homeless shelters are doing.
BCHS will continue to post on Facebook and notify the other agencies and law enforcement when the Shelter will be open.
They will continue to build the tiny homes as long as they are permitted.
Future volunteer work days will be by Pre-registration only so they can stay within the 9 person limits as required. “If you want to come and work on unit 5, please give me a call,” Heitman said.
If you are wanting to donate items, please bring them during the new office hours. “Our agency phone is a cell phone so I am available at all times at 325-647-6447, Heitman said.
Please be sure and like the Brown County Home Solutions, Inc. Facebook page as all updates are put there first.
“Please continue to pray for our leaders, first responders and grocery store operators! May God continue to bless us,” Heitman added.