allsaints2013The Brownwood Lions enter district play against the Burnet Bulldog’s Friday night at Gordon Wood Stadium and according to BHS athletic director and head coach Chuck Howard, the team is ready to play ball.

“I’m excited and our kids are excited, it should be a good game,” said Howard.  He stated that the team has had two good weeks of practice after having an open week last Friday.

Although the Lions are ready, they know Burnet will be a formidable opponent.  Many teams in District 8-3A are strong; however, Howard stated he has seen Burnet in action and they have a very good team.

“Burnet is a very good football team and are scoring a lot of points,” Howard said.  “I have not seen the rest of our opponents on film at this point, but I thought during preseason, that Burnet would be the team to beat in our district.”

Howard stated that the Lions will have to work hard at tackling and concentrate on stopping Burnet’s offense.

“Burnet is both efficient and explosive on offense.   They are averaging close to 500 yards of offense a game,” said Howard.  “We will have to do a great job of tackling in space.”

Entering their first district game, a win is very important to the Lions who are focused on continuing the tradition of post season play.

“Every game is important, but this being a district opponent adds more incentive.  The winner of this game will have a leg up in the district race,” said Howard who explained that the two teams are fighting for a lead in the district championship race.

Healthwise, the Lions are looking good with only a couple of players with minor injuries.

Not only is Friday’s game the first district game, but it is also Brownwood’s “Pink Out” game where students and fans alike will sport pink shirts in honor of October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month and will be working to raise money to help families locally who are fighting the disease.  Howard encouraged everyone to come to the game and to wear pink on Friday to support the cause.

“I don’t know of anyone who hasn’t, in one way or another, been affected by cancer.  We all have significant people in our lives that come to mind that we pray to be healed.  Certainly, in terms of the BISD family, we think of Norlene Gleaton, Esmarelda Lares, Da’Lin Cummings and I am sure others that I might be unaware of at this time,” explained Howard.  “They are special to all of us and they are being lifted up by many in prayer.  Wear Pink on Friday.  Come support the Lions, it should be a great game.”

This week’s game will be played at Gordon Wood Stadium with kick off at 7:30 p.m.