Written by Ben Cox – Several new, and returning, County Employees were sworn in Tuesday morning, to start the new year in office. Among them was Dr Paul Lilly, who begins his term as the Brown County Judge.
Lilly, his hand resting on the bible held by his father Randy, was sworn in by 35th Judicial District Judge Steve Ellis. Lilly affirmed his statement of officers, which states no promise, money, or favor was given or received in exchange for his position or positions for others. Lilly then gave his oath of office for the judgeship, swearing to execute the offices of the County Judge and protect the constitution of the Unites States and of Texas.

Lilly addressed the 50 plus crowd who turned out on the bleak, cold morning. “I can’t even begin to tell you how much I appreciate it. It was a long, long road getting here, but we’re here, so great days are ahead.”
After swearing in Lilly, Ellis administered the statement of office and oath of office for Ed Smith, as he took his position as County Judge for Mills County. He took his oath on a family bible held by his wife.

Smith addressed the crowd as well. “I’d like to thank the citizens of Brown County for their patience and the citizens of Mills County for getting up early and heading up here.”

County Councilman Joel Kelton was sworn in after his re-election to the position. Likewise, his wife held the Bible for the ceremony.

Brown County Surveyor Don King was also sworn into office during the ceremony.
Ellis closed the ceremony with a reading from the book of Micah. “This is one of my favorite scripture passages, it’s applicable to any elected official, particularly the judges. ‘What does the Lord require of you, but to do justice. And to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.’ Keep that in mind.”