Written by Rowonna McNeely – A lot of the time I forget Kiera is actually only seven years old. It’s not hard to do, especially when she throws out phrases like, ‘Is that a rhetorical question?’ Oh, there’s the occasional pouting that reminds me she is not a full-fledged adult, but over 75% of the time, she is very mature.

For instance, Saturday, we were out at the dairy for a tractor/truck pull that my brother was hosting. Kiera played with her 6-year old cousin, Cash while Aaron announced the event and I helped keep up with the numbers.

At one point, Cash’s mom, Lacie, Grandmommy and I left the kids with Aaron while we ran to the house for a quick minute. As I stood in the house enjoying the air conditioning for a brief moment, Aaron texted me to let me know that Cash had a nose bleed.

I shouted to my Mom, “Cash has a nose bleed. I’m going to grab him and bring him back!” I quickly hopped on the John Deere Gator and sped down the dirt road.

I pulled up next to the trailer and spied Aaron inside. “Where’s Cash?” I asked.

Cash walked around Aaron while holding a Kleenex to his nose. “I’ve almost got it stopped.” He said.

“Good job, buddy. Let’s go ahead and go up to the house to your Mom and she can help you get cleaned up.” I replied. I glanced over to Kiera hovering beside him.  “Kiera, do you want to come with us?”

“Yes.” She stated, climbing on the gator beside Cash.

Once at the house, we dropped Cash off with his mom and Kiera and I went back down to continue working. “I tried to get him to let me help him.” Kiera began explaining.

“I told him, ‘Cash, buddy, you have to let me look. You have to trust me’” She said.

“You did a good job trying to help him. I’m proud of you.” I replied, while inside I snickered.

I am proud that she tried to help him… but I giggled at the fact that my 7 year-old was trying to convince her 6 year-old cousin to trust her with his bloody nose, when I can’t get her to trust me to cut her toenails!

Kiera is very mature in situations like that though. If someone is hurt, she quickly steps up to the plate to ensure that they are taken care of, blood or no blood.

Then there are times that I realize there are many things she has yet to experience.

Saturday night, we decided that I would run to Dairy Queen and pick up ice cream. “I want a banana split, please.” Aaron stated.

“Oooh! I want a banana split too!” Kiera exclaimed.

I never even thought about the fact that Kiera had never had a banana split.

When I came back, I handed out the ice cream dishes and settled on the couch beside Kiera.

“What is this?” Kiera asked, pointing at the strawberry topping.

“That part is strawberry. A banana split is a banana cut in half with ice cream in the middle.” Aaron explained as he took a bite of his.

Kiera studied the concoction in front of her for a brief moment before poking the pineapple topping with her spoon. “Is this chewed up bananas?” She innocently asked.

Managing to swallow my bite of ice cream before I spit it across the room, I assured her that it was not chewed up banana but was actually pineapples.

I’m still not clear on why my child thinks I would feed her already chewed up bananas…

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Rowonna McNeely

Rowonna McNeely

Graphic Designer - Mommy to Kiera

Rowonna McNeely works with her husband, Aaron, at Willie’s T’s in the Art Department, regularly volunteers in the community, and has her hands full with her daughter, Kiera, along with two dogs and one cat. 

Rowonna is a graduate of May High School (Go Tigers!) and grew up on a dairy farm. She enjoys reading, creating, swimming, and planning events. She’s also a bit of a klutz.