Written by Rowonna McNeely – “Jackson is in the kitchen. I put him in his ball,” Kiera stated as she walked back into the living room. For those of you who don’t remember, Jackson is our hamster. Jackson has a quiet life. He runs on his wheel at night, sleeps during the day and comes out of his tower to get a bite of food and drink his water. Every now and then, we put him in his little ball so that he can explore the house.
I heard Kiera when she stated where Jackson was. I even had the thought that I should check on him in a few minutes. But, that thought quickly fled my mind and I didn’t think another thing about Jackson until I stepped into the kitchen 45 minutes later.
“Kiera!” I yelled from the kitchen. “Did you put Jackson up?” I asked as I stared at the opened hamster ball on the floor.
“No. Why?” Kiera questioned as she ran in the room.
We both stared in horror at the open and empty hamster ball in the center of the floor.
Aaron came into the kitchen to access the situation and we all grabbed flashlights and sprang into action searching for a tiny brown and white hamster.
We lay on the floor looking under the refrigerator, washer, dryer, and freezer. Splitting up, we each took a room, picking up anything and everything that Jackson could possibly be hiding behind.
As I walked back into the kitchen after searching Kiera’s room, my heart started to sink a little. Our back door was open to allow the fresh air to blow through the house. The chances of us finding Jackson were getting more and more slim, especially if we had to comb the back yard.
Aaron came back into the kitchen about that time and motioned to the sleeping dogs. “I know. I hope he didn’t get eaten.” I whispered quietly.
After twenty minutes of searching, the reality of the situation began to sink in for Kiera. She stumbled outside following Aaron as he searched the doghouse bedding. When he stood up, shaking his head in disappointment, Kiera began to cry.
Pulling her in for a hug, Aaron comforted Kiera, explaining that sometimes we make mistakes and we have to learn from them. He continued to console her until she stopped crying and we resumed our search.
We moved into the room that houses Aaron’s workshop. I leaned over and began to pull some of his tools away from the wall.
Now, let me take a minute and interject this little tidbit. We have recently been on a Psych marathon. For those of you that are not familiar with the show it is a comedy/mystery television series. One of the characters plays a psychic detective. Kiera loves the show and is constantly asking if we can watch another one. This little random bit of information will come into play in a moment.
As I pulled tools away from the wall, Aaron started his search on the opposite side of the room.
Standing dejectedly in the middle of the room, Kiera began to speculate on what might have happened to Jackson. “Do you think he might have escaped outside?” She asked. “What if one of the dogs ate him?”
Before Aaron or I could respond, she continued, “It would be a homicide, wouldn’t it?”
I managed to cover my laughter with a cough. Just as I worked up a response, I noticed a small movement behind a bag. ”Got him!” I yelled excitedly.
“Where? Let me see!” Kiera exclaimed.
Pulling him out from behind the bag, we carried him back to his cage and settled him safely back inside.
Thankfully, the crisis was averted and we did not have to contact the homicide department for a full-fledged investigation. Kiera learned a lesson and Mommy and Daddy were relieved.
Thank you for sharing in our weekly journeys. If you have missed any of our past stories, check out our new blog page at www.lifea2k.net or drop us a line at lifea2k@yahoo.com.

Rowonna McNeely
Graphic Designer - Mommy to Kiera
Rowonna McNeely works with her husband, Aaron, at Willie’s T’s in the Art Department, regularly volunteers in the community, and has her hands full with her daughter, Kiera, along with two dogs and one cat.
Rowonna is a graduate of May High School (Go Tigers!) and grew up on a dairy farm. She enjoys reading, creating, swimming, and planning events. She’s also a bit of a klutz.