Written by Rowonna McNeely – We tend to make a big deal out of birthdays around our house. I don’t mean that we buy tons of gifts or have huge parties. We just enjoy the weekend before the person’s birthday or we go out of our way to do the small things that make that person happy.
Monday was Aaron’s birthday. I left work early so Kiera and I could pick up the items we needed for dinner and a couple of gifts for him.
“Can we go into Wal-Mart?” she asked as she climbed in the truck. “I want to get Dad a board game.”
“We have to hurry,” I explained. “We still have several things we need to pick up.”
Once at the store, she climbed in the basket and we sped down the aisles. She quickly found a board game that she thought he would enjoy and we headed over to grab wrapping paper.
“Look!” she exclaimed. “Silly string!”
I glanced over my shoulder as I turned down another aisle, thinking about what other items we needed.
“Mom! We should get silly string and we can spray Daddy in the house,” Kiera stated excitedly.
I laughed. “Not in the house!”
“What about when we pick him up?” she asked, looking at me with a mischievous glint in her eye.
I pondered her idea for a brief moment. “Now that is a good idea!” I responded as I made a U-turn and headed back to grab two cans of silly string.
As we made it to the car, Aaron texted to let us know he was waiting out back at work for us to pick him up. “Don’t get in the truck when we get there.” I texted back. “Kiera wants to get out and hug you.”
“Let’s call Kim to come out and video it!” I said to Kiera as I backed out of the parking space.
Quickly, we called Kim, a friend at work and asked if she would go outside and keep Aaron occupied until we got there and then if she would video our attack.
It was perfect. We both climbed out of the truck and made our way to Aaron, whipping out the silly string cans at the last moment. Laughing, we sprayed him full on. Kiera was kind enough to hand over her spray can, which he quickly took the opportunity to retaliate against us.
It was great and will be one of those moments that will be a special memory for all of us.
Monday night we celebrated with a special dinner and a couple of small gifts. Kiera even decorated by hanging blue streamers from all the doorways in the house.
But, I think my all time favorite special moment of the weekend is what Kiera did for Aaron all by herself.
Sunday afternoon, Aaron and I were watching a movie and relaxing. Kiera had asked me where she could find tape and then closed her bedroom door. I knew she had a plan for Aaron, I just wasn’t aware of what it entailed.
A brief time later, Kiera called me back. She gently pulled her door open, so that I could see her face through the crack in the door.”Can you bring Daddy?” she asked. “It’s time.”
I smiled and turned back to the living room, motioning for Aaron to follow me. As we stepped in the hall, there was a paper sign taped on the wall. Drawn on the paper was a large blue arrow with the words “party this way” on it.
Reaching her closed door, we noticed two things. First was the piece of paper with hearts drawn on it that was taped on her door and the other was the fake flowers that were being held in the door.
Aaron gently pushed the door open, catching the flowers before they fell. Kiera stood proudly in the middle of the room, dressed in an Alice and Wonderland costume, complete with gloves and black boots. Her hair was held back with a band and tied on the band was a curling ribbon that added to the grace of her costume.
“Wow, baby. You look beautiful,” Aaron said to her.
She curtsied in response.
Standing up, she began to point out items that were placed in different positions around the room. First was a Styrofoam airplane, hanging off of her animal mesh net.”This is a memory of when you taught me how to fly this airplane,” she said as she pointed it out.
“Over here, reminds me of our Christmases,” she continued on as she pointed to a blue Christmas decoration that she had hanging. She went around the room continuing to explain each item.
Then she turned on her nighttime lullaby CD and proceeded to dance with her Daddy in her bedroom. My heart melted.
This child has the most amazing heart. I know that Aaron loved her walk down memory lane and if I had to guess, I would say that was probably his favorite birthday gift.
Aaron, we love you! We are so thankful for you every day of our lives. I know it is a day after your birthday, but Kiera and I don’t care! So, Happy day after Birthday to you!
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Rowonna McNeely
Graphic Designer - Mommy to Kiera
Rowonna McNeely works with her husband, Aaron, at Willie’s T’s in the Art Department, regularly volunteers in the community, and has her hands full with her daughter, Kiera, along with two dogs and one cat.
Rowonna is a graduate of May High School (Go Tigers!) and grew up on a dairy farm. She enjoys reading, creating, swimming, and planning events. She’s also a bit of a klutz.