Written by Rowonna McNeely – How many of you know about the perfect bite? It’s kind of self-explanatory but I’ll explain anyway. The perfect bite is a combination of food, spices, etc. that once placed in your mouth make the perfect bite.
I had never really put a name to this until Aaron pointed it out to me… I was pregnant with Kiera and we had been invited over to his parents’ house for dinner. His mom had made spaghetti and salad for dinner. I pulled Aaron aside once I realized there was no bread.
“You can’t have spaghetti without bread!” I hissed at my husband. Like I said, I was pregnant. “Bread goes with spaghetti. You take a bite of spaghetti and then a bite of bread!”
Aaron hugged me and patted my back. I’m certain now it was to appease the hormonal woman having a breakdown in front of him about the lack of bread. I did survive the meal and have since managed to come to the conclusion that you do not have to have a bite of bread with a bite of spaghetti. It does make it better though.
I have several perfect bites. I won’t bore you with all of them, but I will tell you the top one.
My all-time favorite is at Thanksgiving. Now, don’t laugh. This perfect bite consists of a tiny piece of turkey, a smidge of dressing, a scoop of sweet potatoes, a touch of cranberry sauce and a little piece of a buttered hot roll. Voila! The perfect bite!
Now, enter Kiera. She has a touch of OCD. She’s not super fond of her food touching, but unless she is really tired, usually won’t complain. She is also not a super picky eater. I love that about her. We can almost always get her to try something new.
One of her favorite foods is a jalapeno popper. She loves them. Aaron and I will generally take a tiny bite off them to ensure that they are not super spicy before putting them on her plate.
A few nights ago though, her OCD started showing. She was sitting between us watching a movie, when suddenly she said, “Mommy. Can you take these and get me some more?”
I looked at her as she held her plate out. The only thing on her plate was jalapeno poppers. “Why baby?” I asked. “What’s wrong with them?”
“The bacon does not cover them all the way.” She explained as she continued to hold her plate out.
I looked at her plate and back to her, trying to determine if she was indeed serious.
Aaron, who had paused the movie and was watching the scene, held out his hand. “Give me your plate. I’ll trade you.” He took her plate and swapped a couple of poppers out with her. “Honey, they aren’t all going to be covered with bacon. We didn’t have enough bacon for that to happen. That doesn’t mean they aren’t good though.”
He handed the plate back to her and she settled back and proceeded to eat. Aaron pushed play on the movie and we exchanged smiles over Kiera’s head.
A few minutes later, Kiera piped up, “Mom?”
“Yes.” I answered, turning to face her.
She held out a jalapeno popper and pointed. “Can you eat that bite right there?” She motioned to a sliver of jalapeno and cream cheese that was not covered by bacon.
“Don’t eat the bacon part, just the part that doesn’t have the bacon on it.” She explained as I took the popper from her hand.
I took the popper and bit the tiny piece off before handing it back to her. I looked to Aaron with disbelief on my face as I tried to hold my laughter in. Then it hit me. The perfect bite… I flashed back to the spaghetti episode and tried not to grimace.
Even though he wouldn’t have it any other way, I feel sorry for my poor husband as he has the honor of living with two OCD females who like the perfect bite.
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Rowonna McNeely
Graphic Designer - Mommy to Kiera
Rowonna McNeely works with her husband, Aaron, at Willie’s T’s in the Art Department, regularly volunteers in the community, and has her hands full with her daughter, Kiera, along with two dogs and one cat.
Rowonna is a graduate of May High School (Go Tigers!) and grew up on a dairy farm. She enjoys reading, creating, swimming, and planning events. She’s also a bit of a klutz.