Written by Rowonna McNeely – Several weeks ago, Kiera and I were in Wal-Mart. Now, when it comes to any kind of grocery shopping, I am a get-in-and-get-out sort of person. That usually changes when Kiera is with me. She tends to want to shop.
This time though, she and I were doing well. We had managed to not go down the toy aisles, it was right before her birthday. We were actually in the home stretch. All we needed was a few minor items from the grocery section and we would be free. I could almost taste the freedom.
We picked up a bag of cat food and turned onto a main aisle. “Look, Mom!” Kiera said. “Someone didn’t put this up.”
She reached over to a display that was setting in the main aisle and picked up a small baby doll and a plastic dinosaur. “Why?” She began winding up her rant.
“Why would someone leave this over here? It doesn’t belong here.” She shook her head with obvious disgust while she held the items in her hands.
I refrained from pointing out that she did that frequently at home and instead chose to respond to her question. “I don’t know, baby. I can’t tell you why they are there. Someone must just not have wanted to buy them.”
Kiera sighed deeply and responded, “Can we go put them back?”
For just a moment, I actually pondered my decision. We were so close. So very close to being able to check out, climb in the truck and go home. I imagined getting home, taking my shoes off and changing into something comfortable. Then I looked at my little girl who wanted to do the right thing. She wanted to walk all the way across the store and put the two toys back in their rightful place.
I took a deep breath. “Sure, baby. We can take them and put them up. But, we are not getting any toys. It’s almost your birthday.” I replied while making sure I cut off any future toy buying negotiations.
“I know.” She stated as she placed the toys in the basket.
We did make it back across the store where she put the two toys back in their designated area. The dinosaur had no problems going back but it was a little harder for the baby doll. Kiera might have tried to place a small guilt trip on me as she placed it back… something to the effect that “she had always wanted one of those baby dolls…” But… we overcame!
I am proud of her. Not many people would have done what she did. I’ll be honest. I wouldn’t have; I would have continued on my journey for the things I needed and left. That’s one of the many things I love about her. She has such a caring nature.
Sunday afternoon, we carved our pumpkins. Kiera was ecstatic. After convincing her she could not wear her roller skates to carve her pumpkin, we got down to business. Aaron and I were impressed at how well she did, handling the pumpkin guts, tracing and cutting out most of the design.
We had fun, laughing in the kitchen and working on our pumpkins. As we were finishing up, Kiera said, “You know what? Halloween is not about candy.”
“Really?” I prompted as I waited to hear her thoughts.
“No. I think it’s fun to get candy, but Halloween is for having fun and spending time with your family.” She paused and added, “Like carving pumpkins.”
I like the way you think, kiddo. I like the way you think. Here’s hoping you all have a safe and happy Halloween!
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Rowonna McNeely
Graphic Designer - Mommy to Kiera
Rowonna McNeely works with her husband, Aaron, at Willie’s T’s in the Art Department, regularly volunteers in the community, and has her hands full with her daughter, Kiera, along with two dogs and one cat.
Rowonna is a graduate of May High School (Go Tigers!) and grew up on a dairy farm. She enjoys reading, creating, swimming, and planning events. She’s also a bit of a klutz.