Written by Rowonna McNeely – The first time I got behind the wheel of our new truck, Aaron let me know that it had a lot of power. As I drove it with Aaron in the passenger seat and Kiera in the back, I was impressed by how easily it handled. I had driven a mile or so when Aaron piped up and said, “Turn here.”

Now, that is what I heard. Aaron swears to this day that he said, “Turn up here.” Since I heard “Turn here.” I did just that and turned. Well. Not only does the truck have a lot of power, it can also turn on a dime.

After I made the turn and Aaron informed me that I could slow down before turning next time, Kiera voiced her opinion from the back. “Mommy! I’m going to cut your license up next time!”

From that point on, I have not lived that down. Every now and then when I drive, Kiera still informs me that this is a test and if I mess up, she will make sure we cut up my license.


I’m not a bad driver! I just don’t drive as smoothly as her Daddy does. I get a lot of ribbing from those two.

Friday evening, we spent some time over at a friend’s house visiting. When we finally headed home, it was fairly late. Kiera was tired and asked if Aaron could sit in the back with her. I climbed in the driver’s seat, slightly surprised that no one commented.

As I drove, I listened to Kiera and Aaron talk in the back seat about her day. Suddenly, up ahead of us and in the opposite lane, I saw flashing lights. Immediately, I checked the rear view mirror to make sure the outside lane was clear. Once I was sure no one was in the outside lane, I signaled with my blinker, and swiftly moved over and stopped. As the ambulance passed us with its lights flashing and siren wailing, Kiera asked, “Why are we stopped?”

“It’s very important to always get to the side and stop if you see an emergency vehicle coming with its’ lights on. They are trying to get somewhere fast to help people and we don’t want to be in their way.” He explained.

He continued on. “Mommy did great by moving over quickly and stopping.”

I checked the mirror again and accelerated as they begin to whisper in the back seat.

“You did a great job, Mom.” Kiera said as I pulled into the driveway.

I thanked her as I put the truck in park. I didn’t think anything else about it as we made our way in the house and got ready for bed.

Saturday morning, Aaron let me sleep in for a bit while he got up and played with Kiera. When I woke up and stumbled into the living room, Kiera announced that she had an award for me. I sat down on the couch and she stepped in front of the television.

She was holding a pink and blue construction paper trophy that she had made with a little help from Daddy. Facing us, she began her speech.

“This goes to Mommy for learning how to drive safely. She got us home without crashing and I just wanted to give her a little trophy. So, everybody stand up for Rowonna Jo McNeely!” She smiled sweetly and made her way to me, holding out the trophy.

“Aww! Thank you, baby!” I exclaimed. I decided I would ignore the “without crashing” part of her speech and just accept the award…especially since she had written “I love you” on it.

By far this is one of the best awards I have ever received. Even if I am not as bad a driver as they make me out to be.

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