Written by Rowonna McNeely – Aaron is known fondly at work and at our house as MacGyver. He is amazingly talented and if something is broken or you need to figure out the best way to proceed with a project, he is your guy. Honestly, I’m not just saying that because he is my husband. He really is that good. For instance, several months ago we were leaving Fort Worth and we had to use our GPS.
“If only we had something so I could stick my phone right here.” Aaron stated as he held his phone/GPS against the dash. “That would be perfect.”
“Well, stop at the next gas station and I will see if they have any kind of phone holder,” I suggested.
A few minutes later, I went inside a gas station and wandered the aisles searching for a phone holder while he filled the truck up with fuel. I searched, in vain, for several minutes before giving up and finding a roll of duct tape securely packaged in a plastic holder.
“Well, he is MacGyver,” I thought to myself as I purchased the duct tape.
He burst out laughing as I handed him my purchase. “Duct tape?” He questioned. “Really?”
I grinned at him and then watched as he studied it for a short minute. “Wait. This might actually work.” He said as he tore the package open.
The next thing I know, MacGyver/Aaron had attached the plastic part to the back of his phone with the duct tape and slid the plastic package piece over the gear shift, fashioning the perfect GPS/phone holder.
That’s what he does.
I am pleased to say that Kiera is following in his MacGyver footsteps. Saturday, Kiera and another Girl Scout were sitting in the back of out truck selling Girl Scout cookies. For a short time, the girls were holding up signs. Getting tired, they laid the signs on the edge of the truck and one slid down between the bed of the truck and the cab.
“Ummm…. Mom…” Kiera hesitantly started. “We kind of dropped a sign.”
Leaning in to the truck, I squinted at the PVC sign that was wedged dead center. There was no way anyone’s hand could reach it. I briefly considered calling Aaron to see what we should do.
As I studied the stuck sign, I heard Kiera say, “Mom! Get that pole!”
I’ll be honest. I didn’t pay attention at first. I grabbed a box and shoved it in the small crack to see if I could push the sign to the other side. No such luck. The box barely touched the sign. The other Girl Scout mom squatted down and looked under the truck to see if she could reach it. Again, we struck out.
I stood up from my crouched position beside the truck and came face to face with Kiera as she leaned over the pickup bed. “Mom.” She stated emphatically waving her hand towards the front of the store. “Get that black pole!”
“Baby, what black pole?” I asked, envisioning some kind of pole that belonged to the gas station.
“The black pole on the front of the truck! The one that we take off when we go in the car wash!” She said excitedly.
I glanced to the front of the truck and back to Kiera. “That might work. Good idea!” I hurried to the front of the truck and unscrewed the antenna.
Holding the antenna firmly, I climbed in the back of the truck and slid the antenna down beside the sign. In less than a minute, I was able to push the sign up so that we could grab the edge and pull it out.
“Good job! I said as I praised Kiera.”You’re a little MacGyver!”
She beamed happily at her new title. “Can we call Daddy and tell him?” She asked.
Without a doubt, my little MacGyver…without a doubt.
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Rowonna McNeely
Graphic Designer - Mommy to Kiera
Rowonna McNeely works with her husband, Aaron, at Willie’s T’s in the Art Department, regularly volunteers in the community, and has her hands full with her daughter, Kiera, along with two dogs and one cat.
Rowonna is a graduate of May High School (Go Tigers!) and grew up on a dairy farm. She enjoys reading, creating, swimming, and planning events. She’s also a bit of a klutz.