Written by Rowonna McNeely – Well, we have survived the first full week of school. We are pretty proud of how well she is doing. She loves school, which makes it nice.
So far, she has passed her first spelling test with flying colors, learned to stop asking where she goes after school and received a marriage proposal. Not super thrilled about the marriage proposal. Apparently, the proposal is from a completely different boy than the one that was proposing during her Kindergarten year.
The night of Meet the Teacher, as we were leaving the school, Aaron asked Kiera what she thought about not having last year’s potential suitor in her class. She and I were walking down the sidewalk in front of Aaron as she responded. “Well, I will still see him at recess!” She complained. “And that’s when he tries to score!”
I think Aaron gained several gray hairs at that moment. I could see him out of the corner of my eye and watched as his steps faltered. “I don’t know that I can handle this.” He muttered under his breath.
Once we pursued the use of the word “score”, we learned what she was trying to say was “that is when he takes his shot at asking her to marry him.”
Aaron still twitches a little when I tell that story.
The third day of school, as we reached the drop off, Kiera unbuckled and stated, “Mom, you don’t have to get out.”
I hesitated as I reached for my buckle. “You don’t need help getting out?” I asked.
“No. I will kiss you and Daddy and then I can get out by myself.” She confidently explained as she shrugged into her backpack.
“Ummm…ok.” I responded, blinking extra fast just in case a random tear tried to leak out.
We love to hear about her day when we pick her up. Though, sometimes, she is too tired to go over her day and we won’t hear about it until the next morning.
One morning last week, as we were walking out to the truck, she said, “There’s this one girl in my class and she was all up in my business!”
 I looked over at our neighbor’s yard so Kiera wouldn’t see my smile. “Really?” I responded.
“Yes! She was just up in my business.” She exclaimed again.
“Well, maybe she was just wanting a friend.” I said.
“No. She was in my backpack and I told her not to be in my backpack.” She continued emphatically.
“Oh. Well, that’s different.” I responded. “Make sure you let her know that you don’t want her to be in your backpack and if she continues then you need to talk to the teacher.”
With that subject closed, we kissed her good-bye and dropped her at school.
That afternoon, as she climbed in the truck from daycare, she said, “Oh. You remember that girl I told you about?”
Before I could respond, she forged on, “Well, she was all up in this other boy’s business today.”
Aaron glanced at me for explanation and I mouthed, “I’ll explain later.”
It’s going to be an interesting year in first grade!
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Rowonna McNeely

Rowonna McNeely

Graphic Designer - Mommy to Kiera

Rowonna McNeely works with her husband, Aaron, at Willie’s T’s in the Art Department, regularly volunteers in the community, and has her hands full with her daughter, Kiera, along with two dogs and one cat.

Rowonna is a graduate of May High School (Go Tigers!) and grew up on a dairy farm. She enjoys reading, creating, swimming, and planning events. She’s also a bit of a klutz.