Written by Rowonna McNeely – We don’t generally have a lot of people stop in at our house in the evening. I have never really thought about it until Monday night.
It had been a crazy day at work. Aaron wound up working overtime while Kiera and I attended her Girl Scout meeting. After it was over, we picked Aaron up at work and made our way home.
We quickly tossed a couple of salads and heated up dinner. As we sat down to eat, Kiera began telling us, in depth, about something that she would like for her birthday. Suddenly, my cell phone vibrated, alerting me about an incoming text message.
I slid my thumb across the screen to read the text from our neighbor, MaryClaire asking if she could come over and get an egg. I quickly responded yes and set my plate on the coffee table. As I walked into the kitchen, Kiera was still talking and I didn’t want to interrupt. Aaron says that I “never, ever, ever, never, ever tell him when someone is coming to the house.” Yes, that is a direct quote from him… but I didn’t want to interrupt Kiera!
I opened the refrigerator and I heard a lull in the living room. Before either one of them could speak, I yelled from the kitchen, “MaryClaire is coming to get an egg!”
Now. I’m not sure what happens at your house when a neighbor asks to come by and get an egg, but this is what happened at my house.
“MaryClaire is coming to get an egg!” I yelled.
There was a pause and then Aaron asks, “Why does she need an egg?”
I stopped as I reached for the egg carton, thinking of all the possible answers that I could give him.
Number 1. “Well, honey. I think she was wanting to egg our car but she didn’t have any eggs.”
Number 2. “She is planning on practicing her juggling skills.”
Number 3. “I’m guessing she has decided to change careers and become a magician and she needs it for a magic trick.”
I curbed the sarcastic answers that were rolling through my mind, reminding myself that he was tired. “I’m guessing she is cooking.” I stated as I made my way into the living room with the egg.
There was a knock at the door, which set off our two guard dogs. “Get back.” I said, moving the dogs out of the way so that I could answer the door. As I turned the knob, Kiera piped up.
“What is she cooking?” She asked.
I glanced at Kiera before I pulled on the door. “I don’t know, baby.” I simply stated.
Apparently that was not a good enough answer.
“Well, ask her.” Kiera exclaimed from her position on the couch.
I managed to open the door amidst two excited dogs and a barrage of questions to hand over the egg to MaryClaire.
“Kiera wants to know what you are making.” I said to MaryClaire.
There’s nothing like coming to get an egg from your neighbor, only to be questioned about what your plans are for using it.
So, to MaryClaire, I offer an apology. I apologize for the guard dogs envisioning you as a masked burglar, having to wait at the door because I took to long playing sarcastic comments over in my heard and the Spanish inquisition of what you might be using the egg for… Feel free to come by anytime and borrow a cup of sugar!
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Rowonna McNeely
Graphic Designer - Mommy to Kiera
Rowonna McNeely works with her husband, Aaron, at Willie’s T’s in the Art Department, regularly volunteers in the community, and has her hands full with her daughter, Kiera, along with two dogs and one cat.
Rowonna is a graduate of May High School (Go Tigers!) and grew up on a dairy farm. She enjoys reading, creating, swimming, and planning events. She’s also a bit of a klutz.