Written by Rowonna McNeely – One of our bedtime routines when we tuck Kiera in is to say our prayers. We have done this since she was tiny. I love listening to her prayers. It is humbling to hear her little voice as she talks to God and the things that are on her mind.
I did a little research to find some of my favorite prayers from when she was smaller. I found one that I had dated on July 29, 2013.
Last night as we were putting Kiera to bed, we asked if she was ready to say her prayers. Kiera, being extremely cranky, said with a pout, “No! You and Daddy pray.” Aaron and I said prayers and then Aaron said to Kiera, “God likes it when we talk to Him.” Kiera lay there for a moment before cupping her hand to her ear as if holding a phone. She said, “Hello? God? Yes. I have present for you. I love you too. Bye.” She looks at us and says, “I call God. I say I have present for you. He say thank you for my present. I love you. I say I love you too.”
I remember how my heart melted at her words.
Another one was from a couple of short months later. This one is dated from September 15, 2013.
Tonight, Kiera started praying, “thank you God for our friends, our food…” she paused, opened her eyes and turned to look at me, “Did we have food?” She asked. I stared at her for a second before I responded, “umm…yes.” Satisfied, she closed her eyes and continued on with her prayer.
That prayer happened more than once. As much as the child liked to eat, it seemed like she would remember that she had food.
Her prayers have evolved as she has grown. Now, she often prays for the poor, the sick, for people to not be scared, for people to be warm, etc.
When she is really tired, she and I will tag team her prayer. We will hold hands and I will start the prayer. I pray for one thing, and then squeeze her hand and she prays. We go back and forth until Kiera closes the prayer out.
During these tag team prayers, she usually covers our family, our pets and a few other things. I usually pray for a good night sleep, a good day the next day, and say a prayer for our firefighters, police, EMTs’, military and vets.
The first time I prayed for them, she waited until after we had said amen before asking what an EMT was.
A few nights ago, we tag teamed her prayer. She prayed most of her usual prayer but took me by surprise when she begin to pray, “And God, please watch over our firefighters, police, military and our…” She paused.
I opened my eyes to see her peeking at me. “What are they?” She whispered.
“Vets.” I whispered back.
She nodded her head, closed her eyes and continued. “Our vets…veterinarians.” She proceeded to clarify.
I grinned to myself as I realized she had always been under the impression we were praying for veterinarians when in fact, I was praying for veterans. Well, I know veterinarians need prayers too.
She continued to pray, “And be with our… C-A-R’s?” She hesitated, peeking back over at me.
I puzzled for a brief moment, before responding, “Our EMT’s.”
“EMT’s. Ya.” She closed her eyes and proceeded. “And be with our EMT’s.”
I’m so glad God knows what is on our heart and who we are praying for…although, I feel confident that we will be adding veterinarians to our prayer list.
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Rowonna McNeely
Graphic Designer - Mommy to Kiera
Rowonna McNeely works with her husband, Aaron, at Willie’s T’s in the Art Department, regularly volunteers in the community, and has her hands full with her daughter, Kiera, along with two dogs and one cat.
Rowonna is a graduate of May High School (Go Tigers!) and grew up on a dairy farm. She enjoys reading, creating, swimming, and planning events. She’s also a bit of a klutz.