saraslemonadestand_cover“She learned to make life’s lemons into lemonade. Readers will be encouraged and refreshed by her stories, her thoughts, her humor, and her lessons learned,” one user reviewed on Amazon about the book, “Sara’s Lemonade Stand,” by local author Sara Musgrove.

Area residents will be able to get personalized copies this Wednesday, February 13th, at Doc’s Pharmacy during signings at both the Brownwood and Early locations. “Sara’s Lemonade Stand,” follows the four-year journey of a heart-of-Texas girl traveling into adulthood. Share laughs, frustrations, struggles, and insights through employment, pregnancy, graduate school, car wrecks, and dealing with death. “Sara’s Lemonade Stand,” delivers an honest account of life while searching for answers and finding purpose. The signings will be held at Doc’s Pharmacy in Brownwood from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM, and 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM at the Early location. The signings arrive just in time for that personal and refreshing gift for a sweetheart.

“Sara’s Lemonade Stand” is, “a candid look at a young woman’s struggle with everyday life and how she learned to cope. I laughed and I cried,” one Amazon reviewer noted.  The debut book is available for purchase at Doc’s Pharmacy, Hastings, the Brownwood Store (located at the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce at the Depot), and the Howard Payne University Store. An e-book is also available at Softcovers are available for $19.99, hardcovers for $37.99, and digital copies are $3.99.

Musgrove, along with her husband Charles, have been residents of Brownwood since graduating from Howard Payne University. The couple own and operate Addison Multimedia, a website and graphic design business, and Sara teaches online classes through Liberty University. After receiving an MFA in Creative Writing, Sara began working toward her lifelong goal of becoming a writer.

For more information regarding the book or to follow Sara’s current blog, visit