GirlMagnifyingGlassOne of the greatest things about learning is that it happens all the time in unexpected places. For example, a couple of years ago we went to Abilene with the kids and just wandered all over the place. We ended up at “Funtier Texas”, posing at some rather interesting looking statues along the road downtown, and walking through the ruins of Ft. Phantom. Imagine my surprise a few years ago to discover I love learning about history. At least I know where I get it!

Back in school, history for me was a painful experience. Consisting of the memorization of names and dates, I simply agonized through the process. Luckily, I had a few people in my life who changed all that. Two individuals were my professors at Howard Payne. They made history real. I heard stories about the historical names and dates and suddenly it all came alive and, oh my goodness, it was interesting! How fortunate to have amazing teachers who were excited about their subject and sharing it.

The third individual has always been in my life. My dad is a fount of knowledge regarding anything to do with the Civil War. He has books, and has read books, about anything he can about the subject. When we went over to visit the other night he asked me, “So, what are you teaching right now?” I told him we are reading a story about Abraham Lincoln. His eyes kind of lit up and he replied, “Abe? I know about him.” And then he told me! It was so fun to hear the stories he knew about our 16th president.

Well, the teacher in me never sleeps. I immediately pounced – “Hey, you want to come talk to my class?” He said he didn’t think he could leave work to do that, so I told him I would go record him.

Somehow, I don’t think he believed me. Sunday afternoon, however, will find me once again at his doorstep, ready to video record my father telling stories about Abraham Lincoln. There is so much learning to be found everywhere – stop and read a historical marker, google something you have always wondered, talk to people you know. We should all be so fortunate as to find people excited about what they teach. And, let’s face it, we all have something! For me, it’s reading. For my dad, it’s history. I wonder what it will be for my students?

Christine Moore currently holds a degree from Howard Payne University and is actively working toward a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction. Married with four children, Christine teaches 6th grade reading in Brownwood and has been working in education at various levels for the past 14 years. Her husband, Jeremy, owns a local company that specializes in web design, custom computer builds, and on-location repair called DreamSoft Design at Christine welcomes your questions and comments and would love to hear from you!