DockWow. It is hot.  Here we are in the middle of June and already the weather man has said we’ve seen 100 degree temperatures.  You know what that means for parents:  higher electric bills and harder work keeping the kids occupied.  I don’t know about you, but by the time afternoon rolls around and the temperature peaks – the last thing I want is to be outside.  The kids feel the same way!  So, what to do?

Well, as I pondered this question, my husband came up with a great idea for the morning.  Each morning we go outside, run the dogs, and work in the yard. The kids are out there with us – pulling weeds, cutting grass, picking up the trash people drop as they go down the street.  Our yard is blessed with a huge tree and in the mornings the shade is lovely and the breeze is pleasant.  By 11:00, however, the heat is kicking in, the kids are hungry, and we enter our house seeking cooler temperatures.  (At this point, I find myself thinking back to my childhood and no air conditioners in the house – box fans and open windows!   Ah…good times!)

Once in the house we are trying to keep our kids from watching nonstop television.  So, what do we do? Believe it or not, my own kids solved this dilemma when I turned off the television.  As I sat here trying to come up with this very column, my twins came in asking if they could use a sheet.  I admit, I was distracted and gave a rather absent-minded “yes”.  After all, what harm could there be?  Soon they were back asking for any extra blankets.  They were greatly excited and I asked what they were doing with blankets and sheets.  Grabbing me by the hand, they led me to the living room to proudly show me their project.

Anyone who has ever been a kid has by now instinctively known what I found.  They had turned the living room into a giant fort!  There were tunnels and hidey holes and even a banner proclaiming their allegiance to their king.  Dad got into the act by helping them to make the fort walls more secure so the ceiling (sheet) would not fall down.  They actually slept in their fort that night – having a “camp out” in the comfort of our own living room.

So, if your kids are getting antsy, turn off the television and put their imaginations to work.  Have a camp out in the living room, or a floor picnic.  It is amazing to see what worlds are created in the minds of children.  What’s more, it gives us a chance – for just a moment – to relive a few memories of our own and just play!

Christine Moore currently holds a degree from Howard Payne University and is actively working toward a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction. Married with four children, Christine teaches 6th grade reading in Brownwood and has been working in education at various levels for the past 14 years. Her husband, Jeremy, owns a local company that specializes in web design, custom computer builds, and on-location repair called DreamSoft Design at Christine welcomes your questions and comments and would love to hear from you!