AgriLifeLogoIf your lawn is like most I have seen this spring it is not in the best of shape. A large number of the St. Augustine lawns I have seen this spring are plagued with one of the turf grass diseases we have in the area.

One disease is particular, Take-All Patch, is really causing the problems. Now is your chance to learn about managing these turf grass diseases. There will be a lawn disease program held on Thursday, May 19 at 12 noon at the Brown County Extension Office Located at 605 Fisk Ave here in Brownwood.

This program is being conducted by the Texas AgriLife Extension Office and sponsored by the Brown County Master Gardener’s Association. The program is open to anyone interested free of charge. It is part of the lunch-n-learn series.

The lawn disease program will be a distance learning program. Dr. Young Ki-Jo, Extension Specialist from Texas A&M will provide the training via computer internet from 12 noon until 1:00pm. For more information contact the Brown County Extension Office at 325-646-0386.