Law enforcement arrests and reports released Friday, June 29, 2012.
Saturday, June 23
*4:23pm-Brownwood Police took a report from a complainant who stated that her ex-husband had sexually assaulted her at her residence.
Wednesday, June 27
*7:22am-Brownwood Police went to the 4400 block of Mimosa Street to serve a warrant for the arrest of Johnny Scaff, Jr. According to the report, Scaff was arrested and also found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia at the time and was issued a citation for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
*10:51am-Brownwood Police officer, while on patrol, observed a vehicle run a stop sign at the intersection of Avenue J and 3rd Street and continue on to the 1400 block of Avenue J. According to the report, a traffic stop was made for the violation and resulted in a criminal trespass being issued to the driver for a residence in the 900 block of 11th Street.
*11:07am-Brownwood Police were called to the area of the Truman Harlow overpass, the 1500 block of Main Street, regarding a reckless driver. According to the report, this led to the driver of the vehicle being issued a citation for Disobey Warning Signs with Workers Present.
*Brown County Sheriff’s Office responded to a disorderly complainant on County Road 381. According to the report, the complainant stated that he and a neighbor have an ongoing dispute and that the neighbor has been yelling profanities at the complainant’s daughter. No offense was witnessed by the deputy and information was documented.
Thursday, June 28
*10:50am-Brownwood City Marshal Dean Kilburn reported that during a magistrate hearings, Judge Clements told one of the seventeen people to be magistrated, Katherine Edwards, that she was charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance. According to the report, Edwards became upset stating that her charge was supposed to be Possession of Drug Paraphernalia to which Judge Clements stated that there was a Possession of a Controlled Substance charge and handed the paperwork to Kilburn for Edwards to sign. Edwards refused to sign the documents and as she was to return to her seat from the gallery, Edwards pushed the gate separating the two areas of the courtroom so hard that it broke and split the wooden gate at the top pivot point, the report states. Edwards was additionally charged with Criminal Mischief $50-$500 and her bond was set at $2000.
*1:22pm-Brownwood Police were called to the 2500 block of Belmeade regarding a burglary of a habitation. According to the report, the complainants stated that an X-Box 360 and four games, valued at $400 total, were stolen from the residence sometime between 9:00pm on June 27th and 1:20pm the 28th.
*3:10pm-Brownwood Police were called to the 600 block of Walnut Street regarding an assault. According to the report, the officer spoke with a juvenile who stated that she was assaulted while on a Brownwood School bus around 2:00pm Thursday.
*11:35pm-Brownwood Police were called to the 1900 block of Avenue B regarding an explosive device. According to the report, the complainant stated that some unknown person threw something in his backyard which injured him when it exploded.
*Brown County Sheriff’s Office responded to a continuing dispute between neighbors. According to the report, the complainant stated that his neighbor, 40-year-old Thomas Whitmire, had been continually harassing the complainant’s family and parking his vehicle so that the headlights shined directly into the complainant’s home. Whitmire was contacted at his home and admitted to shining the lights at the complainant’s residence to harass him, the report states. Whitmire has been warned that it is a breach of the peace to intentionally shine his vehicle’s head lights into the neighbor’s residence, according to the report. After a short investigation Whitmire was arrested for Disorderly Conduct.
All arrestees are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.