Law enforcement arrests and reports released Wednesday, May 09, 2012.

Monday, May 7

*11:43am-Brownwood Police were called to the 1500 block of Terrace Drive regarding theft.  According to the report, 27 hydrocodone pills were allegedly taken from the residence.

*8:35pm-A Brown County Sheriff’s deputy, while on patrol, noticed a dually pickup driving erratically as it traveled eastbound on W. Commerce and Early Blvd. and had difficulty maintaining a single lane of travel.  According to the report, each time the vehicle would start from a stopped position at a traffic light, it would “fishtail” sideways, almost striking other vehicles.  The deputy attempted to stop the vehicle, which ignored his lights and sirens for several blocks, finally stopping in the parking lot of a local hotel, the report states.  The driver, identified as 35-year-old Stephen Scott Lawhon of Lone Oak, was found to have an open container of beer, which was almost empty and still cold to the touch,  the report states.  According to the report, Lawhon refused to perform Standard Field Sobriety Tests and refused to give a blood sample.   A blood warrant was signed and Lawhon was taken to Brownwood Regional Medical Center for a blood draw, then transported to the Brown County Jail.  Lawhon is charged with Driving while Intoxicated 2nd.

Tuesday, May 8

*8:02am-Brownwood Police were dispatched to the 2000 block of Vine Street regarding the burglary of a vehicle.

*8:36am-Brown County Sheriff’s Office received an animal complaint.  According to the report, the complainant stated that his neighbor’s dog killed some of his chickens and that two of his Barbado sheep are missing and may have been killed.  The complainant stated that the neighbors’ dogs have been killing his livestock and over the last year and a half, he has lost a total of 10 chickens and 7 sheep.  The complainant was given information and an application for determination of a dangerous dog.

*10:02am-Brownwood Police were called to the 1300 block of 11th Street regarding the burglary of a vehicle.  According to the report, the complainant stated that sometime overnight, someone had stolen her purse from her vehicle which was parked in the driveway of the residence.  The complainant stated that she had left her doors unlocked.

*11:27am-Brownwood Police were dispatched to the 2300 block of Coggin Avenue regarding the burglary of a vehicle.  According to the report, the offense occurred during the overnight hours.  Stolen from the vehicle were a silver walking cane and $3 cash.  The complainant stated that his vehicle was left unlocked at the time of the burglary and that the backyard gate had been left open by someone and a lawn ornament in the shape of a snake was also now missing.

*1:54pm-Brownwood Police received a report of theft.  According to the report, the complainant’s wallet containing $120 cash, debit card, and a credit card was stolen.

*5:50pm-Brown County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to a residence in reference to the theft of multiple scrap metal items that were taken from the property without the owner’s consent.  According to the report, the complainant had let the fire department burn an old home that was on the property.  After the house was burned, roofing material and other metal items were left on the property which the owner planned to take to the scrap yard at a later time.  The total value of the items taken was $1,100 according to the owner of the property.  The only suspect information at the time of the report was an average build dark white male with a dark complexion driving a mid-90s model Chevrolet pickup.

*6:13pm-Brownwood Police were called to the Brownwood Regional Medical Center emergency room regarding a disorderly subject.  According to the report, the ER staff stated that a patient, identified as 54-year-old Jill Ann Ball, was cursing and yelling prior to the officer’s arrival.  Ball was advised of the criminal penalties if her disorderly conduct continued, the report states.   Ball continued using abusive and profane language which offended the ER staff and was consequently arrested for Disorderly Conduct, according to police.

*8:08pm-Brownwood Police responded to the 2300 block of Avenue C regarding terroristic threat.  According to the report, the complainant stated that her brother-in-law, who was present during the call, was being threatened through messages on Facebook.

Wednesday, May 9

*1:27am-Brownwood Police were dispatched to the 500 block of E. Commerce regarding an assault.  According to the report, the victim stated that her husband had slapped her across the right side of her face.  When officers attempted to make contact with the suspect, he ran into the wooded area behind the residence, the report states.  A search of the area was conducted; however the suspect was not located.  Criminal charges will be pursued against the suspect which include Assault Family Violence and Evading Arrest or Detention.

*2:38am-A Brownwood Police officer observed a subject on a bicycle without lights in the 1300 block of 4th Street and initiated a traffic stop.  According to the report, the 17-year-old was currently under probation as a juvenile.  The juvenile stated that he did not believe he had a curfew as a condition of his probation; however, the Juvenile Probation Officer was contacted.  The juvenile was detained and taken to the Juvenile Justice Center for a probation violation.

All arrestees are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.