Law enforcement arrests and reports released Tuesday, May 15, 2012.

Monday May 14

*1:22pm-Brownwood Police responded to the 2900 block of Good Shepherd regarding an unwanted person.  According to the report, the complainant stated that a known person has been knocking on his door repeatedly that day and that he believes the suspect was checking to see if anyone was at the residence.  The suspect is a known burglar and the complainant does not want him on his property, the report states.  A trespass warning was issued to the suspect for the residence at the complainant’s request according to police.

*6:21pm-Brownwood Police were dispatched to a traffic accident at the intersection of the 2300 block of Avenue B and 1000 block of 11th Street.  According to the report, the driver of one of the vehicles, identified as Andrew Thomas, Jr., was arrested for Driving While License Invalid/Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility.

*7:18pm-Brownwood Police were called to the 3200 block of Milam Drive regarding disorderly conduct.  According to the report the subject was threatening to “kick everyone’s butt.”  Assistant Chief James Fuller stated that the argument was over a person who was attempting to repossess the subject’s vehicle; however the subject’s family was in the car.  Fuller stated that the man repossessing the car hooked it up and lifted it a couple of inches to prevent anyone from driving off in it.  The disorderly subject was threatening to press charges against the repo man for endangering a child; however, the responding officer explained to the subject that there was no criminal incident and charges could not be pursued for this action and the parties were then separated, Fuller said.

*7:25pm-An anonymous male turned in a wallet at the Brownwood Police Department which he stated was found near Brookshire’s this date.  According to the report, the wallet contained identification but no contact has been made with the owner at the time of the report.  The wallet was locked in the property room at Brownwood Police Department until it can be returned.

Tuesday, May 15

*12:09am-Brownwood Police made a traffic stop in the 1800 block of Avenue D.  Investigation determined that the driver, identified as 40-year-old Brian Warren Wellsandt, to be intoxicated, the report states.  Wellsandt was charged with Driving While Intoxicated and Driving While License Invalid/Surcharge Due-Intoxication.  Wellsandt submitted to a blood sample at Brownwood Regional Medical Center and then was taken to the Brown County Jail.

*Brownwood Police arrested 43-year-old Andrew Thomas, Jr. for Driving While License Invalid with Previous Convictions/Suspension/without Financial Responsibility.

All arrestees are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.