Law enforcement arrests and reports released Monday, May 11, 2015.
Monday, May 4
*1:42 PM – Brownwood Police were called to the 900 block of 7th Street regarding theft. According to the report, several items were stolen from a residence in the area. An investigation is ongoing, the report states.
Tuesday, May 5
*12:00 PM – Brownwood Police were dispatched to the 300 block of Bluffview Drive regarding an assault.
*4:25 PM – Brownwood Police were called to the 400 block of W. Commerce regarding the burglary of a vehicle. According to the report, a laptop was stolen from inside the vehicle.
Thursday, May 7
*12:04 PM – Brownwood Police were called to the 100 block of Marketplace Blvd. regarding theft. According to the report, the complainant stated that a known suspect had made unauthorized purchases on her credit card. The offense is believed to have occurred between the dates of April 2 and May 5, 2015, the report states. An investigation is ongoing, according to police.
* 12:18 PM – A Brown County Sheriff’s deputy was contacted by complainants who stated someone has stolen a Black Angus cow, which is 8 months pregnant, between the dates of May 2 at 12:00 p.m. and May 3, 2015 at 4:00 p.m.
*8:17 PM – Brownwood Police were dispatched to the 900 block of W. Baker Street regarding the burglary of a habitation.
Friday, May 8
*3:28 AM – Brownwood Police were called to the law enforcement center regarding theft. According to the report, the complainant stated that an unknown suspect(s) is using her credit/debit card information to make unauthorized purchases on her bank account.
*10:58 AM – Brownwood police, while on patrol in the 1200 block of Duke Street observed a traffic violation and a stop was made on the vehicle. This stop led to the arrest of 55-year-old George Fluellyn of Brownwood for driving while license invalid with previous conviction/suspension without financial responsibility.
* 12:01 PM – A Brown County Sheriff’s deputy met with a complainant who had found three headstones in the bar ditch alongside County Road 121, near the Cross Cut Cemetery. The headstones were brought to the Sheriff’s Office.
* 12:18 PM – A Brown County Sheriff’s deputy initiated a traffic stop on a vehicle traveling east on US 67 after he observed the passenger of the car throw something out of the window. The passenger was identified as 37-year-old Brandi Marae Bebee of Brownwood. According to the report, during the course of the stop, a consent search of Bebee’s person led to the discovery of a marijuana pipe in her right shoe. A red and black container with marijuana residue was also discovered between Bebee’s seat and the center console, the report states. Bebee was subsequently arrested for possession or delivery of drug paraphernalia.
*3:05 PM – Brownwood Police responded to the report of a reckless driver. According to the report, the complainant was following the suspect vehicle and officers were able to locate it. The driver was issued a citation for reckless driving, the report states.
*9:45 PM – A Brown County Sheriff’s deputy was called to the 7000 block of Tipperary in Brownwood, regarding a burglary. According to the report, the victim stated someone had broken out a back door glass sliding window, entering without his consent and took property from the residence.
*Brown County Sheriff’s Office arrested 27-year-old Marcus Gerard Cabrera of Brownwood on a warrant related to motion to revoke/aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
*Brown County Sheriff’s Office arrested 23-year-old Dustin Tyler Crosby of May on warrants related to failure to maintain financial responsibility and operate motor vehicle without financial responsibility.
*Brown County Sheriff’s Office arrested 28-year-old Jordan Griffin of Austin on a surety withdrawal related to possession of a controlled substance penalty group 1 less than 1 gram.
*Brown County sheriff’s Office arrested 23-year-old Timothy James Savell of Brownwood on Brown and Tom Green County warrants related to credit card abuse.
*45-year-old Britt Wade Stevens of Brownwood turned himself in on a warrant related to theft of property equal or greater than $500 less than $1500.
Saturday, May 9
*4:53 PM – Brownwood Police were dispatched to the 2000 block of Slayden regarding theft.
*6:02 PM – Brownwood Police were called to the 2800 block of Cleburne Street regarding a domestic disturbance. According to the report, a juvenile male had kicked in a car window and was still on scene. The complainant wished to pursue criminal charges and the juvenile was placed under arrest for criminal mischief greater than $50 less than $500, the report states.
*7:30 PM – Brownwood Police made a routine traffic stop on a vehicle in the 3400 block of Hwy 377. According to the report, contraband was observed in plain sight and a search of the vehicle led to a large amount of methamphetamine being located. A total of 3.7 grams of methamphetamine was seized according to law enforcement. 43-year-old Melody Beard of Deleon and 57-year-old Russell Wayne Schwartz of Comanche were each charged with manufacture delivery of a controlled substance equal or greater than 4 grams less than 200 grams in a drug free zone. Both Beard and Schwartz were being held in the Brown County Jail and were each being held in lieu of bonds totaling $75,000.
*7:45 PM – A Brown County Sheriff’s deputy responded to the report of loose livestock on Valley View Drive. According to the report, the deputy located two red and white llamas which had been penned on property and attempted to locate any possible owners in the area. After an extensive search, the owner of the llamas was not able to be found and the animals were estrayed.
*9:15 PM – Brownwood Police were dispatched to the 3300 block of Stephen F. Austin regarding theft. According to the report, a central heating and air unit was stripped and the parts allegedly were sold to a local recycling company. A suspect was identified and an investigation is ongoing, the report states.
Sunday, May 10
*12:01 AM – Brownwood Police made a traffic stop in the 600 block of N. Center regarding speeding. According to the report, this stop led to the arrest of 40-year-old Noraida Hernandez of Brownwood for driving while intoxicated.
*1:59 AM – A Brown County Sheriff’s deputy was dispatched to the 5000 block of County Road 292 in reference to an assault. According to the report, the female victim was assaulted as she was trying to leave the property. The victim said she was thrown to the ground and was hit repeatedly to the left side of her head. The victim also had a cut above her left eye, a cut to the back of her right hand, and a cut below her left knee. The victim was able to identify her attacker at the residence. The suspect, identified as 31-year-old Amy Amanda Clopton of Early was arrested and charged with assault causes bodily injury.
*2:39 PM – Brownwood Police were called to the 1700 block of Avenue A regarding the criminal trespass of a habitation. According to the report, a victim came home and noticed someone had entered his home; however, no items had been removed from the residence. An investigation is ongoing, the report states.
*3:02 AM – A Brown County Sheriff’s deputy was called to the Brownwood Regional Medical Center emergency room regarding to an assault. According to the report, a doctor stated that the victim was currently in getting CT scans, but had come into the ER due to her boyfriend assaulting her.
*6:56 PM – Brownwood Police were dispatched to the 500 block of Parkway Dr. regarding a domestic disturbance involving a male and female subject who were walking toward Austin Avenue. This call led to the arrest of 27-year-old Tiffany Ann Stoddard of White Settlement for assault with injury family violence and for an outstanding warrant related to motion to adjudicate/possession of a controlled substance penalty greater than 4 grams less than 28 grams.
*8:58 PM – Brownwood Police were dispatched to the 1600 block of 10th Street regarding the burglary of a habitation. According to the report, an unknown suspect entered the residence and stole assorted jewelry and electronic equipment.
All arrestees are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Blotter information compiled from local law enforcement reports and jail records.