AblesChastidyLee BlakeChristopher WebbSabraDenise
Chastidy Ables Christopher Blake Sabra Denise Webb

Over the weekend, many unrelated calls resulted in the Brown County Sheriff’s Office along with area police departments netting several drug related arrests over the course of the weekend.

“We are glad our folks are working with Aaron Taylor (Brownwood Police); it makes it productive when we do,” stated Grubbs of the ongoing cooperation between the BCSO and Brownwood Police Department in the effort to combat drugs in Brown County.  “We have a concentrated effort that we plan to continue.  We want it known that we are fighting this problem in Brown County.”

The following reports of these drug arrests were released by the Brown County Sheriff’s Department and Brownwood Police on Monday, July 25, 2011:

Thursday, July 21

MartinEvanDaniel* Investigator James Stroope was conducting narcotics interdiction on Hwy 377S when he stopped a vehicle for a minor traffic violation.  During the course of the stop, circumstances led Stroope to believe that there were illegal substances in the vehicle.  Stroope used his K-9 Izzy to perform a free air search of the vehicle.  After Izzy alerted on the vehicle, a search was conducted and a quantity of marijuana was located.  Stroope arrested 20-year-old Evan Martin for Possession of Marijuana.  Martin was travelling through Brown County to another destination.

Saturday, July 23

*Investigator Carlyle Gover and Brownwood Police Narcotics officer Aaron Taylor began conducting an investigation into a prescription for hydrocodone that had been forged.  After receiving information that the prescription had been forged, investigators discovered that the prescription had been altered to allow the filling of 90 hydrocodone pills.  The prescription was filled with the cooperation of a local pharmacy, and investigators waited for 35-year-old Chastidy Ables of Goldthwaite to pick up the prescription.  Once it was picked up, investigators stopped Ables and questioned her.  Ables admitted to altering the prescription on a computer.  Ables was arrested for Prescription Fraud and Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Grade 3 over 28g under 200g.

JonesShawna BlisardKrista RobelsRafael
Shawna Jones Krista Blisard Rafael Robles

*Deputy Nathan Land along with other Brown County deputies responded to a loud music call on Hwy 279.  Once at the location, Deputy Land found a bottle of pills without a label on it lying next to the car of Christopher Blake, a resident of the house where the loud music was coming from.  Blake admitted the pills were his and had been given to him.  The pills were identified as hydrocodone.  After searching the house, deputies located three more people inside, marijuana, and a marijuana pipe that had already been used.  Deputies arrested 23-year-old Christopher Dale Blake for Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Grade 3, under 28g, Possession of Marijuana, and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.  29-year-old Shawna Jones, 21-year-old Krista Blisard, and 26-year-old Rafael Robles were each arrested on charges of Possession of Marijuana and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.

Sunday, July 24

*Sgt. Pete Bastardo was on patrol when he came across a suspiciously parked vehicle on County Road 267.  Bastardo identified the occupant as 32-year-old Sabra Denise Webb.  A search of the vehicle was conducted, and located in Webb’s purse was a pipe used to smoke methamphetamine and several bags with methamphetamine residue in them.  Webb was arrested for Possession of a Controlled Substance under 1g.

Sheriff Grubbs acknowledged the ongoing battle with drug trafficking and addition which is widespread across the state and stated that this weekend’s arrests were the result of law enforcement being diligent in their work.

“These arrests were not from one situation, they were made because these guys were out there doing their jobs in several different incidents and it turned out a good result,” stated Grubbs.