LatchkeyLogoThe Pearl Griffin Memorial Latch Key Program has been operating for years, providing much needed after school care for kids, but according to board member Liza Weckworth, something has been missing from the program.

Weckworth explained that the program has just had a particular font lettering of the Latch Key name rather than a logo to identify them.  To be more recognizable, a logo was needed; something that the community could identify them with and something that could convey their services.

“This logo gives the kids and families we serve a face, giving an identity we didn’t have…for such a good organization we just didn’t have an identity” said Weckworth.  “The key jumps out and that matches the name, we love the new logo.”

It all began by contacting graphic artist Beria Charles of Boston, Massachusetts whom Weckworth’s mother had commissioned for design work in the past.   Weckworth emailed Charles that Latch Key had a very small budget and asked if she would consider helping a nonprofit group with this logo design.  Charles asked Weckworth to send her information about the Latch Key program and she would consider.  After reviewing what Weckworth sent, Charles signed on to this special project, coming up with about 7 designs that the board reviewed before the final logo (pictured above) was selected.  The Latch Key board was presented the final design in May and officially adopted it at their meeting.  Now that the program is starting a new school year, it is time to unveil the logo.

“For me, I hope the kids and adults we serve will be able to one day give back to an organization like this and think of this (logo),” stated Weckworth.  “Now we have a face that the public can connect with.”

The logo, which features a tree with a key in the trunk and two children standing beside it, is a simple design yet modern and conveys the values of the Latch Key Program, according to Weckworth.  Family, children and love are all a part of the design.

Tim Espinoza, Latch Key board member, was also pleased and excited about the logo stating, “Liza has put a lot of work into it and she had the resources.  Beria did a great job, and with Liza’s creativity they came up with the final logo with the board’s thoughts and help.”

Having a logo gives the program branding that is necessary in fundraising, allowing Latch Key to be recognized upon seeing the logo.  The logo, according to Weckworth, is one that everyone can identify with and one that on a t-shirt might start a conversation about the program.

“We’ve been fortunate to have small benefactors,” Espinoza.  “Now the logo can be adopted and received by the community and it puts us on the radar (for those looking to give).”

Founded in 1983, the Pearl Griffin Memorial Latch Key Program is located at 2411 Coggin Avenue in the First Christian Church in Brownwood, Texas.  The program serves children (Pre-K through 6th grade) who qualify from low income families to have after school care so that the children are not left home alone.  Currently, 80 children are served in Brownwood by Latch Key.  First Christian Church donates the classroom space and Howard Payne students help as teachers fulfilling two needs, a low cost staff for Latch Key and a job through the Work Study Program for the HPU students.

If you are looking for somewhere to give, please consider the Latch Key Program.  For more information contact Latch Key director Jessica Hardy at 325-646-2138.

Pictured above is the new Latch Key logo designed by Beria Charles.