ACSRelay4LifeFor several months, teams have been forming and this year’s Brown County Relay for Life promises to be a record breaker.  It’s the last two weeks before the big event and all teams are pushing hard to raise as much money as possible.  Be sure to attend the events for this week and help make it happen.  It’s for a good cause and there’s good food, baked goods and bargains to enjoy.


Guardian EMS will be hosting a fundraiser for TEAM LANDRY (named in honor of 9-yr-old niece of Tara Bradley who was diagnosed with adrenal carcinoma).  The event will be held at the EMS station at 4th and Coggin on Friday May 28th from 11-1:30.  There will be a drive thru.   Enter at the back of the station and just pull through and get your food. Team Landry will be serving loaded baked potatoes with brisket, sour cream, bacon bits, and chives with a soda or water for only $6.00. Deliveries are available anywhere in Brown County with no minimum order. For information or orders please call 325-642-4872, 325-200-8721 or 325-643-4870.

Team Onie (in memory of Onie Carroll) will be holding a bake sale at Brownwood Regional Medical Center in front of the gift shop from 11-?  


Team Carrousel will be having a garage sale at 4404 McArthur Circle from 8:00-12:00.


Employees at The Rage will donate $1.00 for every service purchased during this time.  Call 325-643-3920 now and book!!