
The 19th annual open house at Lake Brownwood State Park is scheduled for May 8-9, from 8:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. each day.

Park Superintendent John Holland stated that this event will be the park’s “biggest and best” open house, with many longtime favorite activities along and some new ones.  The GO FISH trailer and a new presentation from San Angelo State Park on bison and longhorns will be present.  Archery Intro will be here for the 2nd year and Texas Wildlife Identification will be back after missing last year, said Holland.  All total there are 15 stations planned with presentations and activities for children of all ages.

Friday will be Youth Outdoor Education Day and Saturday will be Family Day.

Some of the park’s cabins will also be open for viewing during the event.  “We have been renovating the furnishings in the two person cabins for over a year and want to give everyone a chance to see what’s new,” said Holland.

Other changes are also being implemented with this year’s event, including waiving entrance fees for all DAY visitors only on Friday and Saturday.  All overnight facilities (campsites, cabins, shelters, and lodges) are off the reservation system for this weekend,  leaving campsites and some cabins available for Friday and Saturday night without reservations (call the park for more information).  The original “Visitor’s Center/Clubhouse” will be open both days, with Civilian Conservation Corps in Texas State Park presented there on Saturday.

“We have a lot to be proud of in Texas and at Lake Brownwood,” said Holland.

Lake Brownwood State Park officials invite the public to come to the open house and enjoy the weekend of fun activities.