
Brown County Toys for Kids received a donation of approximately 100 gift bags of toys from the Lake Brownwood Lions Club on Sunday afternoon.

The club hosts an annual Christmas party for children in the community, giving each child that attends a gift and a goody bag at the party.  They had approximately 100 bags left this year and donated the excess gifts to the Toys for Kids Program.

Lions Clubs offer vision and hearing tests at local schools and fund their programs through Bingos which are held at the club.

Lake Brownwood Lions Club will host a dinner on Christmas Day for those that would otherwise be home alone.  The traditional Christmas meal will be offered Friday, December 25th from noon until they run out of food, according to members.

Lions Club members Jay Lynn Cammack, Billie Smith, Mary Smith and Linda Kugel delivered the toys and are pictured above.

Toys for Kids is currently seeking donations of toys, bicycles and/or monetary gifts to help with this year’s program.  Donations can be delivered to Grand Stars (2323 Belle Plain) or mailed to Toys for Kids, P.O. Box 912, Brownwood, Texas 76804.  Other drop-off locations include Brownwood Fire Stations 1 & 2.  All proceeds benefit Brown County residents and 100% of donations received go toward the purchase of toys.  The entire season is worked by volunteers and program directors of Toys for Kids who work diligently without receiving any income for their service.

For more information about the program or to volunteer, please call 325-646-6822.