Santa Anna High School crowned Dylan Sellers and Kaitlyn Krause as their 2011 Homecoming King and Queen (pictured above) on October 7th.
Kaitlyn is the daughter of Kim and Cecil Rutherford and Gary Krause. During Kaitlyn’s high school career, she has participated in basketball, tennis, FFA, and UIL academic competition. She participated in Student Council as a sophomore, where she served as Class Representative. Kaitlyn received an American History award as a junior. Kaitlyn was selected for the All Region basketball team her junior year. After graduation, Kaitlyn will be attending Tarleton, where she will pursue a career as a Neo-Natal Nurse.
Dylan Sellers is the son of Roger and Stacy Sellers. Throughout Dylan’s years at Santa Anna High School he has participated in athletics, playing football for two years. He has served on Student Council for four years, and currently serves as Senior Class Representative. Dylan has enlisted in the US Navy and will be serving his country, leaving for basic training after graduation.
Each year, the student body of SAHS votes to determine the school’s homecoming royalty.
Below are 2011 Santa Anna Homecoming Queen and Nominees. Left to right are Makaylah Morris, Bambi Yebra, Homecoming Queen Kaitlyn Krause, and Aspyn Jaylee.