The Pecan Valley Kiwanis Club of Early recently announced that the club would be sponsoring a Magic Show as a fundraiser. Kiwanis Club President John Clifford stated that the Magic Show would be an event that the whole family would enjoy.
“The magician is C.J. Johnson from Leander, who has been presenting the Children’s Magic Theater for years. Mr. Johnson and his show come with good reviews. This show is something that the whole family can do together,” said Clifford.
Clifford wanted to let the community know that the club has contracted with a marketing firm to conduct pre-show sales and that this marketing firm might be calling on the phone.
“We just want the community to know that when this firm calls and states that it is calling on behalf of the Pecan Valley Kiwanis Club, that it is a legitimate call. Clifford went on to state that the way the process works, is that the firm will call and if citizens wish to purchase tickets, then the tickets will be mailed to them,” Clifford stated. “Payment for the tickets would then be made by return mail. Don’t send any money until you receive the tickets in the mail, and please, write a check; don’t send cash.”
“Our club presented this same Magic Show last year and we got good positive feedback from the community, so we are pleased to bring the show back again this year. This show comes with high marks and great reviews, and I firmly believe that those who attend will come away entertained,” Clifford stated. “We are excited to bring this show back and hope that it will be a success.”
For those who might want to get additional information about the magician and his shows, they can go on-line to
This show will be presented on Tuesday, March 27th, at 7:00 pm, at the Coggin Elementary School auditorium. Tickets are on sale for $10.00. Tickets will also be available at the door, the night of the performance.
Clifford went on to say, “This is a fundraiser for our club so that we can continue to do the business of Kiwanis in helping the children of our community and the world. One hundred percent (100%) of the proceeds for this fundraiser, and any other fundraiser that Kiwanis sponsors, goes directly back to the community through the local organizations and programs that we support and/or sponsor. You can be assured that your money is being used for a very worthwhile cause…..the children of our community.”
“Should anyone have a question concerning this fundraiser or have a question about Kiwanis, in general, they can contact any member of the Pecan Valley Kiwanis Club of Early, or they can contact our Fundraiser Chairman and fellow Kiwanian, Roy Parrack at 325-642-3260,” said Clifford.