Yesterday, I was in our bathroom getting ready for church. Ok… I was in the shower. All of a sudden, the door slammed against the wall, announcing Kiera’s entrance. “Are you in the shower?” she asked.
Managing to hide my sarcastic wit, I replied, “Yes, baby.”
“Don’t come out yet! It’s your birthday!” she yelled over the sound of the shower. I heard her footsteps as she ran off leaving the bathroom door open. It’s ok. I gave up on privacy a long time ago.
‘Sweet.’ I thought to myself. Aaron was busy cooking breakfast, so I assumed she was going to pretend it was my birthday and bring me breakfast when he had it ready.
“Mom!” she yelled as she entered the bathroom again.
“Yes, baby?” I patiently asked.
“We poisoned your food.” She stated matter-of-factly.
By this time, Aaron is in the hall. He laughed and said to Kiera, “Well, you can’t tell her.”
“Mom!” Kiera yells. “Pretend like you don’t know.” Once again, I hear her leave the bathroom only to return a few seconds later. “Mom, we didn’t poison your food.” She states before running off again.
Right. Like I’m going to believe that.
I toweled off and closed the bathroom door. As I reached for the blow dryer, I narrowly missed being hit by the door as it was again flung open.
“Don’t come out yet! You can’t come out until I tell you.” She said as she stretched her arms across the doorway and looked at me with wide eyes. “By the way, you might not eat the cake. Well, it’s a secret. But, we didn’t poison you.”
After I promised my rambling child that I would not leave until I was told, I couldn’t help but stand there and laugh. A few moments later, I was allowed out of the bathroom and given a slice of imaginary cake. At this point, I pulled out my actress card and fell to the couch into a deep sleep and waited for my prince to come and kiss me to break the spell.
Unfortunately, my prince was busy cooking breakfast but the dogs were overjoyed to try and take his place. Have you ever tried to play a sleeping princess while two very large dogs attempt to make up for all the times they aren’t allowed to lick your face? I finally had to yell for my prince to come save me before I had to take another shower to remove the dog slobber. Sounds glorious, right?
I wouldn’t trade it. Well, maybe a little less dog slobber.
Kiera was ecstatic when my prince woke me with a kiss. Oh, and for all of you that are thinking how sweet that little scene must have been… well, I hate to burst your bubble. If you don’t want me to burst your bubble and want to go on thinking how romantic and special that moment was, then skip the next paragraph.
In true McNeely form, it was a little chaotic. I laid on the couch, eyes closed, dodging dog tongues and trying to avoid being smashed by our large dogs. Kiera sat on the other couch, giggling as she watched the entire scene unfold. After yelling for my prince, Aaron came in and managed to get between the dogs and kiss me… on the chin. Now, that people, is true love. Do you know of any other princesses that were woken out of a deep sleep by a kiss on the chin?
I’m beginning to think our child is trying to play matchmaker. This morning as we were getting ready to leave the house, she approached me in the kitchen. “Mom?” She began, “When are we going to go on a you and Daddy date?”
Often, we go on a “family date” as we call it. We will go to dinner and do something fun. I thought this was what she was referring to.
“When are we going out, you, me and Daddy?” I asked, trying to clarify.
“No.” She stated. “When are you and Daddy going to go on a date? Just you and Daddy. I can stay home and watch the dogs.”
I laughed and replied, “I don’t know, baby. We will see some time.” I grabbed the dogs’ water and took it outside, thinking that was the end of the conversation.
Obviously, I was wrong.
While I was putting the dogs outside, Kiera had cornered Aaron in the living room.
“Daddy.” She said, holding her baby doll in her hands and looking at him with a serious expression. “I have to tell you something. I want you to remember this. Sometimes, you have to go on a special date with your big, grown wife, without your child.”
Aaron later told me that he felt like he was the child getting a stern talking. I guess Aaron and I will be planning a date night soon. Although, I’m thinking we can convince Kiera the dogs will be ok by their selves and she can go play with Pop and Gigi.