Written by Rowonna McNeely – I keep a journal of things that Kiera says. A lot of them have a story that goes with them. But there are others that are too short for a full column. As I started on my column this week, I decided that some of these quotes are just too funny not to share. So, today… today is a random Kiera quote column. I hope you enjoy.

How many of us like to wear tight clothes? I don’t.  One morning, as I was helping Kiera get dressed, she started fussing over her shorts. I didn’t think they were tight, I actually thought they fit her well…

Hmm… now that I think about that statement, I feel like my husband has uttered that phrase to me before… Anyways, before I could go pick out another pair of shorts for her, she huffed and said, “These shorts are too tight! They are squeezing out my patience!”

I’ve decided to start using that. I now realize that all the times I felt uncomfortable in an outfit, I wasn’t really uncomfortable. I was just having the patience squeezed out of me.


Another time, Kiera and I were in the floor coloring as a movie played in the background. We were busy giggling, when we both heard one of the actors on the movie shout “You lied!”

Kiera and I both turned to look at the television and watched as the second actor calmly replied, “Yes. That is called being an adult.”

Without any hesitation, Kiera said, “No. That’s called being a liar.”

One of my all time favorite Kiera quotes happened when she started school. We had gone to the meet the teacher night and her teacher explained the daily schedule and school meals. She pointed out a row of clothespins that were hanging by the door.

“When they (students) get here in the mornings, they will put their backpacks in their cubby. If they would like to go eat breakfast, they will get a clip (clothespin) and place it on their clothes and go eat. If there aren’t any left, then we will wait for someone to finish eating and bring their clip back.” She explained. She visited with us for a bit longer and we went on our way, nervous and excited for Kiera to start school.

Fast forward to the next day when someone asked Kiera about her teacher and her new class. “They give you clips…” She paused before continuing on, “and they let you out once in a while.”

I’m pretty sure the person’s face reflected my inner thoughts. I quickly explained the breakfast system while laughing at what she managed to pick up from our Meet the Teacher night.

Several months ago, Kiera walked up to me, rubbing her eyes. I could tell she was tired but she had decided many months ago that she did not need naps. I decided I would ask anyway. “Honey, do you want to lay down and take a nap?”

She hesitated a brief moment and then answered, “Yes.”

I was shocked. I followed her in her bedroom and lay down by her. We lay there quietly for several minutes and finally I said, “Ok…well when you get ready to take a nap, you can.”

She turned her head and looked at me as she replied, “It’s ok. My legs are already asleep…so…ya.”

I knew at that moment there was no nap in the future for either of us.

The last Kiera quote that I am going to give you is in regards to Aaron’s time cards and mine. If Kiera is at work with us anytime, she loves to help us clock out. She feels very important when we let her clock us out.

One day as we were leaving, I handed the cards to her to help me run them through the time clock. After she ran them through the machine and handed our time cards back to me, I slid them into the holder. Out of habit, Aaron’s and mine are right beside each other. Kiera studied the time card rack for a minute before turning for the door and remarking, “Your time cards are together. It’s like y’all are having a date.”

I love these little pieces of life. I’m so thankful that every day is a new adventure mixed with lots of laughter and always brings a new insight from Kiera.

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