AgriLifeExtensionTexas A&M AgriLife Extension Service is proud to host a “Kick It Up to Happy” Child Care Provider’s Conference.  The conference will be held Saturday, August 1, 2015 from 8:00 – 4:00 p.m. at the Coggin Avenue Baptist Church Christian Life Center.  The “Kick It Up to Happy” Child Care Conference is a joint effort of the Family & Consumer Sciences programs of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Brown, Coleman, McCulloch and San Saba counties.

This year’s conference will feature Suzie Humphreys, a dynamic and motivational keynote speaker, humorist and author.  Suzie will kick off the conference with her speech entitled “Please Pick Up After Yourself, Your Mother Doesn’t Work Here!” and will also speak after lunch with a focus on “I Can Do That!”  Suzie has a way with laughter, poignant stories and jump-start inspiration, of confirming that fear doesn’t have to be the motivating force that stops us from living life to its fullest.  Suzie shares the most significant of her relationships and frankly and humorously tells how she learned to focus on what is right about others.

In addition to the two keynote addresses from Suzie Humphreys, participants will also have the opportunity to attend break-out sessions throughout the morning and afternoon.  Session topics include:

• Back to the Basics: Safety & Injury Prevention

• Building CONNECTIONS…You Don’t Need a Hammer

• Communicating effectively with parents

• Gross Motor & Sensory Integration Development

• Keeping Kids Focused and Engaged

• Moving and Learning: Playful Steps All Day Long

• Recognizing signs of child abuse/neglect and steps to reporting

• SIDS/Shaken Baby Syndrome

• Supporting Mental Health in Children with Special Needs


There will also be a session specifically for Child Care Director’s that will focus on the Top 10 Citations and Minimum Standards.

Door prizes and refreshments will be available and lunch will also be provided. Cost for the conference is $30 and is due by July 17, 2015.  An additional fee of $10 will be charged for late registrations received after July 17.  The conference will provide 6 clock hours that have been approved by child care licensing.

For more information, please contact Kim Miles at 325-646-0386 or  Registration form is available at the Brown County Extension office or on the Brown County Extension website at under the events tab.