KieraRowonna2It was a dark and stormy night… not really. I feel like that is how I should start this out though. Let me explain.

Last weekend we went and spent the night in Abilene for our anniversary. We took Kiera, because, well, we are a family. We went to dinner on Friday night and then went and did several different touristy things on Saturday. Once we were effectively all exhausted we drove home.

We had a great time but it was nice to be home. By the time, we pulled into the driveway it was past Kiera’s bedtime and she was close to her melting point. Aaron put her to bed while I unpacked our bags.

After she was asleep, Aaron and I settled on the couch to watch television for a bit. Finally deciding that we couldn’t stay awake any longer, we headed for out bedroom. I stopped by the bathroom to take out my contact. As I stepped out of the bathroom and turned the light off, I was struck by how dark it was.

I’m not sure why it suddenly bothered me, but being the chicken that I can be, I quickly switched the flashlight app on my phone to on. I decided to check in on Kiera before going to bed and make sure she was still covered. The child sleeps like a crazy person. Trust me. I have pictures.

I turned to her room and scanned her bed with the flashlight only to gasp out loud. As I scanned the flashlight across the bed, I saw Kiera sitting crisscross-applesauce staring at the wall.

Now, this is where I will let you know I don’t watch scary movies. If I watch a scary movie, there will be no sleep. And with the imagination I have… well, let’s just say it takes me several weeks to get over the creepiness factor… my electricity bill goes up from constantly switching on all the lights in the house, so on and so on.

I steeled myself and took a couple of steps into Kiera’s room. “Kiera?” I gently said.

No response. She continued to stare at the wall.

I slowly took a couple more steps towards her. “Baby?” I said a little louder, “Are you ok?”


At this point, I will admit it. I briefly considered running down our short hall, jumping into bed and telling Aaron “Kiera wanted him.” I know…. I am embarrassed but I already told you. I can be a chicken.

I audibly swallowed and stepped until my legs were touching her bed. “Kiera. Kiera…” I repeated.

She turned to look at me, still not really blinking. I fought the urge to run again and knelt down to her level. She began to lean towards my face slowly, as if trying to focus on my features. Then she glanced to the bed and began to lean closer and closer to her sheets, rubbing the material with her hand.

Effectively creeped out, I said her name again, trying to shake her out of her trancelike state. “Kiera.”

Suddenly, she began to rock her body back and forth, slightly bouncing on the bed. “I… I need…” she began saying.

“What, baby?” I asked as I leaned closer to her.

“I need to go potty!” she exclaimed as she bounced.

“Then let’s go!” I said as I quietly chuckled, grabbing her outstretched hand and helping her out of bed and to the bathroom.

Once her business was done, she walked back to her bed, climbed in and was asleep before her head hit the pillow.

I know what really happened. My poor little girl was so tired from her big weekend from staying in a hotel and playing so hard, she just didn’t know where she was when she woke up.

After making sure she was covered with her blanket, I went to my room where I had to read for thirty minutes before I could close my eyes. Sometimes, having an overactive imagination is tough.

As I write this, Kiera is already asleep for the night. I am going to sign off for this week and go check on her before I go to bed. But, just to be on the safe side, I think I will flip the hall light on as I go to her room.

Rowonna McNeely is a graphic artist for Willie’s T’s Screenprint & Embroidery.  She is a mother of a five-year-old girl and step mother of two adult girls. Her crazy life includes a dog, Sloane and psychotic cat, Gracie. Both females. She is married to her prince, who is outnumbered by the opposite gender.