JudgeBaileyThe Pecan Valley Republican Women’s Club will host their monthly luncheon meeting on Thursday, November 19 and will have Judge John Bailey, Justice for the 11th District Court of Appeals, as their guest speaker.  The luncheon will begin at 11:30 a.m. at the Brownwood Country Club.

All the members, associates and friends of both PVRW and BCRW are encouraged to attend and to bring a guest.  The two clubs are working together to give the people of Brown County an opportunity to meet candidates running for office.

Judge Bailey will be seeking re-election. This is an opportunity for citizens to meet their Justice for the 11th District Court of Appeals.

Justice John Bailey was appointed in October 2013 by Governor Rick Perry as a justice on the 11th Court of Appeals at Eastland.  He subsequently won the contested 2014 Republican Primary for the office.

Justice Bailey graduated summa cum laude from Tarleton State University in 1989, and he graduated with honors from Texas Tech School of Law in 1992.

Prior to his appointment to the bench, Justice Bailey worked as a staff attorney at the court for 12 years. Justice Bailey’s appellate experience is unmatched in the district.  As a staff attorney for 12 years and as a justice on the 11th Court of Appeals for the past 2 years, he has handled hundreds of cases at the court and worked with each of the previous 8 justices and chief justices serving on the court.  A native and life-long resident of the district, Justice Bailey is proud to serve the conservative, hardworking people that live here.

The Pecan Valley and Brown County Republican Women’s Clubs encourage the public to come and support the candidates.  Those planning to attend are asked to RSVP by texting or calling 325-998-3880, no later than noon on Wednesday, November 18th. With 30 or more guests confirmed, those attending may enjoy the Brownwood Country Club’s buffet for only $14.